News - Max Any Gun 30 Minutes - Most Broken Weapon Xp Method Warzone 2 Season 1. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2



Here is the best way to level up your weapons in Mod War 3 and War Zone Season 1. I'm going to make this article as quick and simple as possible for you guys, but if you dove on to find it useful, be sure to drop a like on the article so that others can find it too, and make sure to check out my other season one guides like how to level up the battle pass, fast war zone tips, camo guides, and zombie guides.

Best weapon xp method!

So right now, the best way in Mod War 3 and, I would say, level up your weapons fast involves vond lockdown. We previously had plunder; we don't at the moment, but I will talk about what methods to use when plunder comes back, but for Vondle lockdown while that's around, it's a great mode, and here is what you want to do to max out your weapons in like 30 minutes or less before we get into the article.

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Method 1 - mw3 weapon xp fast!

Method 1 - mw3 weapon xp fast!

The first thing you want to do is you want to go to your class setup and you want to change the perk three slot to put on the resupply perk that's going to allow you to recharge equipment over 50 seconds.

Basically, we can keep resupplying our tactical equipment, which is going to be useful in a second. For your tactical equipment, you want to put on the decoy grenade, and I think you guys can already see where this is going, but basically you can use your decoy grenades and replenish them from two main methods: one from that resupply perk we've just put on and two from Munitions, boxes in vondo lockdown.

Every time you open a loot box, there'll be a Munitions box normally in there, and you can then resupply Ammo with that, so what you want to do is spawn into Vondo lockdown and throw grenades into popular areas of the map near enemies. Every time a decoy grenade goes off near an enemy, you get 200 XP, and it also counts as weapon XP as well, which is great, so if you get two people nearby, that's 400.

best way to level up guns in

XP, and so on. It just keeps going on and on, which is great. You can get tens of thousands of XP in a game really easily with this method, so the first thing you want to do is focus on throwing decoy grenades. Go to popular areas. Go to the zones where people are spawning and where you see enemies.

Just keep throwing decoy grenades. The same decoy grenade can hit multiple people, so you can get lots of XP just from one grenade, then just throw another one, replenish your grenades, and do that over and over again. The next thing you want to be doing is opening loot boxes. These are great because they give you.

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100 weapon XP per box open, so not as much as the tactical grenades, but they are a bit more reliable because you know where boxes are; you can find them on rooftops or in buildings. If you see one open, it's just going to get you an XP boost, which is fantastic, and it counts for weapon XP as well.

fast weapon xp

In a game, you can open tons of loot boxes very easily; they're easy to find, so I definitely would recommend doing the next thing we want to focus on. Getting kills—now this probably won't be your main focus, and you don't even have to focus on this at all, but it is a nice boost. If you see any enemies, just try and take them down; it will give you a few hundred extra weapon XP just for that kill, and that will add on top of the other things, so if you come across an enemy, what I like to do is throw the decoy grenade at them, which will get you your 200 decoy.

XP, then on top of that you can kill them to get a few hundred XP, and therefore you can bulk out the amount of XP you get just from each person you come across, and again, if there's any loot boxes nearby, that's even better. The last main thing you want to do in vundle lockdown is hold down zones.

fast weapon xp mw3

Now you get about 20 weapon XP every few seconds while you're holding down Zone, and if you have teammates, that's more, so I think for every other teammate you get an extra 20 XP, so if it's two teammates, it's 40 XP, if it's three, it's 60, and so on, that will increase. And that will be every few seconds you're going to get hundreds and thousands of XP.

Just from staying on an objective, it lasts for about 2 minutes, and then the zone will go inactive, so try and hold it while it's around. That'll be one area to focus on if you're kind of near the zone, but it shouldn't be the main thing, so if you're there, definitely capture it for a little while, but yeah, that should be the other things your DEC GR loot boxes and getting kills, this is just another bonus on top if you do all those things you can easily level up your weapon in under half an hour, especially if you got a double weapon XP token on that's really important as well, but yeah, that should be a really great method, and hopefully.

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That'll be around for a little while, but you probably want to make the most of it because these methods tend to change and get patched or moved. I don't know if this is a glitch or if it's intended. But there seems to be an awful lot of XP you can get from decoy grenades, so that's the main method I want to talk about at the moment. I also want to talk about another method in the war zone , and this involves plunder.

Method 2 - mw3 weapon xp fast!

Method 2 - mw3 weapon xp fast!

Plunder isn't in the game right now, but I'm sure it'll be back in a few days, so it's worth listening to this method. Basically, it doesn't have to be plunder; it can be any of the other modes of plung disease, but you can do it in other modes like normal Battle Royale, Resurgence, and so on.

Now, what you want to do is basically. Three main things to get weapon XP fast: The first is doing contracts, and you want to specifically focus on ones like Most Wanted Scavenger Intel and Big Game Bounty. Now, Scavenger, obviously, you just open free supply boxes. You can do these quickly and easily.

You start a contract and then head to a computer terminal to upload the Intel again. That's a very easy, big game. Bounty, even though it picks the more difficult players, I generally don't find them too difficult; it'll just pick the players who have gotten more kills on the map or done better in the game.

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