News - Dmz Is Now Pay-2-win (this Is Really Bad)

This would be so broken on Ashika Island, especially for just being toxic. You could spawn on Chic Island using your UAV, and the two nearest teams would take them out because there's also a new armor vest. There's a new armor vest that allows you to have double-range UAVs, so you get that armor vest, spawn in, use the UAV, take out two teams, then you just xville because guess what next game when you spawn back in, you're going to have another UAV waiting for you, and you could use a UAV every single game for free that is game-breaking, and the only way to get these perks is by buying them in bundles.


There is nothing you can do; there are no faction upgrades you can do; and there's no way to unlock operators that have these perks. The only operators that have these perks are the ones that you buy in bundles, and that is. I mean, there's no other way to state it, crazy pay-to-win, and it's been a long time in Call of Duty since we've had stuff that's this pay-to-win.

Yeah, like I said, there are pro-tuned weapons, but I don't consider bundles with pro-tuned weapons OP at all because it's something you could do yourself and it's not that hard. It reminds me of back in Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4, when you had to get supply drops and you just had to keep buying supply drops until you were lucky enough to get the new weapons, except this time around you.

modern warfare 2 black cell

If you can't get these items, there is no way to get these operators that have these built-in perks without paying for them, and I don't know if this continues down this path. It doesn't sound fun to play against, especially for people who can't afford to buy them. It's like, I don't know, this is a really bad change, and I hope this is something they decide against.

I hope they look at the backlash that this is getting and decide to cancel the rest of the but not the rest of the bundles that have these perks, but just to remove these perks and maybe refund the people who have already bought the one in the game that gives you the perks because. I don't know, this is not something I want to see in DMZ, and it's something that is going to hurt DMZ.

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In the future, that's just my personal opinion on it. I'm okay with cosmetics. I'm okay with stuff that's cosmetic. I know there's a lot of backlash for the Black Cell and Battle Pass bundle, but the way I looked at it, it was only cosmetics, and if someone wants to spend 30 bucks to get those cosmetics, good for them.

If that's something they want to do, let them go for it.



That's when it's no longer okay in my opinion and something that shouldn't be in any game, let alone Call of Duty, and yeah. I know DMZ's free; they've got to monetize it; they've got to make money, but they're already doing that with bundles and battle passes; they don't need to be adding these pay-to-win features.

I think they'll be just fine without going down this route, and it is definitely damaging for the long-term health of the DMZ, so hopefully this gets changed. Hopefully, this gets reverted. In the very near future, I'm going to be talking about all the good stuff about this update, like the new cool bosses.

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