News - Cheater Zlaner 100% Using Aimbot Warzone 3

modern warfare 2

one thing's for sure I believe at this point in time Zena is going to go on to win a couple of War Zone tournaments, if he carries on cheating the way he is in these clips he stopped winning any sort of tournament or placing in the top three a very long time ago when we started exposing him on this channel for his diry horrible cheating habits and now he's gone back to using the same cheats as before where he's locking onto the upper chest well at least the same aim bone selection, whereas in the past when he started changing it around to elbows and knees he stopped winning tournaments because he it takes a lot longer to kill someone if you're shooting them in the elbow than it does if you're shooting them in the upper chest or head so what we're seeing here is z a prepping himself to being one of the greatest war zone players or the LeBron James of war zone as he likes to call himself, and honestly I'm not going to let that happen we're going to put a stop to that here we're going to be pointing out every little detail of Zena's.


Bad habits throughout this game already. We're not even a week into the game, and Zen has already proven that he's using Aimbot in this game. So you don't miss our future uploads and honestly give the article a share. If you don't mind, help us get the message out to everyone. The Cena is a Dy cheating rat.

Also, guys, if you want to contact me about a streamer you believe is cheating, you can reach me over on Twitter at @badboy. Beaman, one last thing before we go if you're enant like me and you're dealing with daily stress and a lot of anxiety. Believe me when I say these Supreme CBD products are unreal.

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