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The problem was sitting here looking out towards Akdar and, sahed, is that sahed I don't brain fart; the problem with it is the fact that it's not what that [__] called T right, I can't. I wouldn't clear this anyway because I haven't heard any gunshots and I haven't seen anything, so I would just make a break to the buildings and run for it anyway, but if you want to be better than sorry again, play it.

Smarter, we're out in the open. I mean, if someone had peaked, we'd be dead. Rogue has $116, 000, or 16 grand. We are almost at the ability to have three UAVs, but here we are crouching on the roof. It's funny that he's crouching on the rooftop too, because guess where he's. Looking at a vehicle that's not even on our level, he's not even close to us, and that's who he's tracking.

warzone 2

Literally, that's it. We're in Z, which is one of the hotter spots. I wouldn't say it's the hottest anymore. I really think hydro, downtown, and construction in Z have kind of died off since it became like a destroyed piece of [ __ ]. Move, he had to do a line of dirt real quick we got to go on the rooftop he did see him good observation I got to give it to him this is a really far shot for your boy he's got high alert too how do I know he has high alert because of the way he reacted and when you read enemies like this it kind of gives you an Insight of what perks they're running and how good this player might be based on his reaction, time, so the fact that we looked at him as howler goes off he Dives goes behind cover right it's not the best cover in the world he can get shot through this granted again I don't think this is the range for your boy the rpk by the way what are we doing this is season 48 stop just put it away, so I don't think he's going to get the kill regardless but the enemy says better say than sorry and Pops a smoke and now here we are running to the by station possibly maybe not nope we're push in the fight, now this is a crazy F don't take the ladder,.

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So I don't like this because even though we have elevation we have no cover concealment we're vulnerable almost 360 degre our entire back right hand side and front side so let's see what this fight does, but I don't like this not to mention the enemy, if he read us he'll know where a bot and he can he can play this accordingly but even if he's afraid he's probably going to go to the next zone and get in positions where he can be safer and I love the Crouch walking you're in the open so you're Crouch walking in the open basically, which is wild, and there he goes, so the enemy just jumped off.

We saw him, and now he's in position. Look at it. Look how he's playing the ridge now, and all he's doing is getting safe. He might jump off and go to safety even further, but he could be hugging this wall right here and just popping up like a gopher and [__] us. Again, it's all about reading the enemy, reading the map, and reading the zone.

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That was a simple play; the enemy read it perfectly, and again, if your boy had taken position and played that fight completely differently, he could have prevented Steve from even getting safe, but he didn't, so now here we are moving on to Steve, who read that situation perfectly, but he's only got two kills.

Regardless, a definitely better player kills. Don't always identify skills. No doubt about that; we've all had bad games here. We are jumping down a building. Look at this, my You've got to stop. If you come back from heaven and you only have a pistol, land somewhere. Our load's here, so I would assume his load is somewhere.

Also read:

Stop being afraid to fill in it for the Lo; you're not on P; he wasn't on PR Pace. There was nothing he was really risking except for the fact he probably just wasted 15 minutes of his life, but laying prone, you're just begging to die. What are you going to do with a pistol, homie? You got to land at a building and get some loot; you got to open some crates; or again, go to your loady.

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You don't have to go to your Lo; people are shooting over it and camping it, but land somewhere. I'm glad he did that, so this heartbeat reaches the tent, and that's it. You know what we can do instead of running the heartbeat? We could jump up on the desk and look. That'd be awesome because we have our gun in our hand and we can shoot him in the face.

It would be it would be great absolutely great. We have visuals on basically the whole thing inside the tent, but we have visuals; all we have to do is look, man. Clapped, and also, when you're launching a Precision, try your best not to launch it where the enem is at. Right here. I would never launch the Precision on top where the enemy is, either by launching it behind him or in front of him, because when he gets the alert, he's going to move one of the two ways; it's a 50/50 shot, but it's a better chance than launching at the enemy because he's going to move.

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Well, let's, watch okay, he moves forward, and of course the Precision does not kill. And now look, we've made a lot of noise with this gun, so now if there are enemies around us, they know where we are. I mean, you can usually assume there's enemies camping up in this [__] but now they definitely know what's amazing is that he's leaving those smoke grenades instead of using them.

warzone 2 tips

Look, we're in the open. Yeah, sure, you might be able to see people in here, but we're in the open if someone happens to look in our direction. Guy the slides are kind of stop it stop, it heartbeating in war zone 1 was crazy and wild you should have done it heartbeating this game is even worse cuz the way the heartbeat sensor is designed we have drill charges we could have launched the enemy hopefully killing, him, notice that it got shot from another Direction just keep your eye on that what did I say there's going to be multiple enemies here and they're all going to get sandwich and third party because we waited so damn long to get in a fight we waited till what till the gas all right moving on to Z now I don't know what he needs he's sitting here looting looks like we got everything we [ __ ] need in life maybe a gas mask could be fire but that's, it again gas coming in we need to start worrying about what's around us cuz there could be another player close this is a very wide open ending very terrain head, got coughing to our right hand side he hears it too let's see what he does, now I don't like the fact that we're tunneled right here because we got an entire H door left hand side that can see us.

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