News - Campaign. Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i - Precious Cargo (veteran)


Now shout out to 2 kilos actual at the port. Now we can confirm when cargo's in my possession. Stand by, Roger. That kilo is good to go so far. This is a game-changer. I'm hoping we never have to use them and stay on com. This is Kilo. We were ambushed. Dina is Kia; it's con; they're everywhere.

Commander, the missiles They're going for the missiles. We can't let them do that, barah. I need weapons. Look for containers with the shadow Insignia; they'll have what you need to fight con. You were shipping more than just missiles; plenty more lucky for you. I'm at the container; that gear gives you an edge, but there's still an army of con between you and those missiles.

I will not allow CON to seal these missiles. Whatever it takes, we're going to need a contingency, Commander. I have GPS trackers on my ship. Plant those on the missiles. We'll never lose them. I still need to locate the containers. I think I would have known where to find them. The shipping manifest would be in the harbor master's office as an affirmative copy.


Dina's office was in that tower. It's never easy to lose your people. I don't know how I'll tell Dina's mother. You need to survive this first. You have a country to protect. You're damn right, I do Graves. Now let's keep on. Ailo Con knows something's up. Stay quiet shadow's cargo ship is still imported.

Do you see any of my people? Negative, not what I wanted to hear heading towards the ship. That's it head the ship for the tower. You need to hit both time's running out approaching the cargo ship, not seeing a way onto the ship. From here, Cony got boarded, and you can't check the area for an Ascender Farah to get out of.

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After the deaths of Arda's workers, her street was free of violence like this. Con brought it back. PE's true strength is there. Stay out of sight. Con's on the hunt. I'd start with the desk manifest. On the hunt, watch your ass out. There's no sign of survivors, just bloodshed. These were innocent people.

The missiles were supposed to prevent this, not cause it. Sometimes that's a business. Graves sent me the information from the manifest and got it cross-referenced with our container numbers. Okay, time to plant those trackers on the missiles. Check the cranes; they may be loading another one of those containers.

cod mwiii

Now copy i'll check high and low and find that both have enemies. Tractor's on the missile container all right; push to the second one; they are letting up con's got serious numbers. Whoever's funding them has deep PS; she does. Where is this person we're working with? That's valuable, yes. All stations last track at all con's, leaving with both missiles.

Char, you did what needed to be done, but make sure you do the rest. Echo how to copy loudly and clearly. Cody's pulling up sticks; they got what they wanted; we live to fight another day; it's not over. Our missiles were meant to be a deterrent to peace through strength. Ro finds its way back to this place; it never left.

Also read:

Russia wants this country, but they can't have it. Next, track those containers not coming with you, take care of our Kia, and also tell our forces to tell them Rush is back in Arstan; Shadow Company's got us to get in the game; they're going to want a piece of this true someone else I have to contact.

Welcome to the EARLY ACCESS Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III Campaign! Precious Cargo is your second campaign mission in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III. Its your first open combat mission, with Farah seeking valuable weapons, armaments, field upgrades, and armor plate carriers to stay alive, and this guide will show you where to find them in Modern Warfare 3.
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