News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i - Shock Value And Wasted Potential

Marov knew that we were going to try and kill him here, and he had a trap set using Price's friend Kamarov's bait. Marov comes over ours for the first time in the game, and he tells Yuri that he's disappointed in him before blowing the tower. Up With Yuri and soap still on top, they tumble off the side of the building through a bunch of scaffolding into the ground.

They barely survived the fall, but soap's wound is reopened, and he begins bleeding out throughout the mission. You begin to realize he's not making it out of this one. You have to navigate between carrying soap on your shoulders and fighting approaching Russians. Price helps you get soap into a safe room, but it's too late.


Soap tells Price that Macarrov knows Yuri before dying on the table. Come on, stay with me, son. I, know, Marov, knows, me, I'm. Sorry. Price is stunned at the loss of his ally, frustrated he couldn't keep him alive, as over the three games they had developed a close trust and brotherhood between themselves; they could always count on each other.

With both the player and Price not really having any ties to Yuri, you could almost say that Price is alone now, and he immediately tells Yuri to go downstairs to continue the mission, but instead Price punches Yuri down the stairs into the basement before holding him at gunpoint, demanding to know what soap meant about Marov.

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Knowing Yuri, soap trusted you. I thought I could too, so why in bloody hell does Marov know? You, let's pause for a sec. This is instantly framed better. You got built up from all three games wrapped up into one scene, the knife wound that ended the second Game Stops the main plot of the third game in a way that the player cares for.


You want soap to live. He was the main character in the first game, and he gets lots of character throughout the second and third. You have time to come to terms with the death of this protagonist. You know he's not going to make it, but it's how he dies that progresses the story in a meaningful way.

He isn't tossed to the side for shock value, even if the mission is a little bit hamfisted. Let's roll back to number three. Soap getting shot at the end of the game in a setting where you aren't even able to take a moment to feel the gravity of his death is shameful. If you stop to mourn the loss of soap, the game will start yelling at you.

Gaz will demand that you get over and start cutting the cable because you can't stop and you're in the middle of a hectic battle. Quite frankly, I was taken out of the scene completely because of this. I couldn't believe that soap kind of just dies—no buildup, no real payoff—because Marov gets away.


This is the kind of death you give a side character, not soap. By the way, even in the original Modern Warfare 2, when the ghost is a side character, he and the roach are killed by General Shephard, and you are forced to take that in. They make you sit there and fully understand what just took place.

The man gets like 15 lines and has a cool mask—still a legend in my eyes. Back to the original Modern Warfare 3 and the scene with Yuri and Price Yuri reveals that he was working with Marov 20 years before the events of the game and tried to stop Marov from starting World War III in Modern Warfare 2 OG, not Nuji.

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Yuri was almost killed by Marov there, but he was rescued and wanted to join the fight against his former friend. This explanation isn't perfect, but it easily suffices for the story, as Price has already realized that the enemy of his enemy is his friend. In contrast, in Modern Warfare 3, they bring Yuri in here too.

He is a Russian soldier who betrays Marov by giving Lwell a USB drive with Makarov's Intel and even using that, which I'm not actually upset over. I guess I'm just wondering if that character had to be Yuri or literally any other name. Yuri isn't a majorly important character in either series at this point, but he does have a role to play, and I know he could have done more than just be a glorified Cameo.

Yuri does, however, get his 5 Minutes of Fame in the original Modern Warfare 3, where, in the final moments of the game during The Showdown against Macarrov, he saves Captain Price, who is about to die when trying to kill Marov. Yuri shows up with the last possible second after they had been separated and saves Price by shooting Marov in the chest, who then retaliates by shooting Yuri in the arm and then the head.

Yuri is not someone who gets the final blow, and he didn't need to be, but he does get a story that shows that where you come from doesn't matter; it's what you do that defines you. It's a story of realizing your mistakes and trying to correct them, even if you have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Now let me flip the script and complain about the original Modern Warfare 3 for a little bit. I wish the plot wasn't so crazy, but I understand the need for a crazier finale. The Eiffel Tower being destroyed always irked me, even if it's supposed to be a set piece. The ending is completely rushed, but at least they could wrap it up in a trilogy.

Cav's death really has no meaning, especially for a character who has been with us since the early missions of the original Modern Warfare. Yuri didn't need to die; he could have been a shining example for writing your wrongs. By the way, on that topic, you could say that because of that overuse, they didn't use it on soap in the new Modern Warfare 3 but to skimp on it on a character that people love when it already stinks of a shock factor that death is.

Insulting, all right. I think I've complained enough before the criticism of realism is thrown at me. Please consider that you could still have a scene before the cut scene, but after diffusing the bomb, we mourn this character, allowing you, the player, to grieve. Let me press F to pay. Respects i'm joking, but lots of games have a second for the player to react to a death, and I know Gaz is clearly meant to be the soap insert for this new trilogy, and I don't really have much of an issue with him.

I think he's mostly fine. Thanks for listening to my little rant. I really needed to get that off my chest. I don't typically talk about games that are exclusively adult-friendly or m-rated games in particular; I typically talk about things that anyone can derive enjoyment from regardless of their age range.

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Feel free to check out my other content, like my long-form review of Sonic Adventure 2 or my in-depth review of a cute little indie game called Bloodstain: Curse of the Moon, if adult content is more your style. I also did a article last year on Gears of War and a discussion about character writing.

Feel free to check it out as well. I'm working on three different projects right now, two of which are long-form reviews of great kid-friendly games, and another is a special project I've been doing as a collaboration between multiple other great YouTubers. Hopefully, in 2024, I'll have more content from me.

I hope this article makes up for it, and I hope you guys have a great day. Thanks so much.

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Infinity Ward has released the new Call of Duty campaign and I had a few thoughts I needed to share. Thanks for stopping by and checking my description, I really appreciate everyone who watches my videos, as I work hard to improve my editing and writing skills with each one.
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