News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i - Shock Value And Wasted Potential


Hey there, I'm not happy. The campaign for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was released in early access this week, and as such, the players rushed to pre-order the newest addition to their time-consuming franchise. Now I haven't played very much of these new games, and quite frankly, the multiplayer aspect has been lost on me for quite some time—nearly a decade now—but I love playing the campaigns in these games, and I took issue with a particular set of story-cut scenes in Modern Warfare 3.

I will be spoiling these sections of these games. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2 mod Warfare 3 Modern Warfare 2019, the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and the new Modern Warfare 3 Feel free to play them before listening to the rest of this article. I know not everyone will agree with me, but please hear me out.

I'll try not to waste your time. John Soap McTavish is an important character in these games, and it's worth mentioning to the folks who aren't up to date with this series that after Modern Warfare 3 with the number, the series was rebooted, telling a similar story with the same characters in a new world.

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These games are relatively simple. We and the British Special Forces face off against the terrorists, whether they be Russians or the fictional, eranian terrorist group Al Catala. In Modern Warfare 3 with a numeral, you face off against a Russian Splinter Cell led by Vladimir Macarov, a familiar face to longtime players as he was also the villain in the original Modern Warfare 2 and 3.


Yes, I know this is confusing, but they named these games this, so we have to deal with it in the new game. Macroov has planted bombs on the UK train network and plans to kill a large number of civilians. However, he wasn't planning on the united efforts of our group of protagonists known as Task Force 141, a group comprised of leader Captain John Price.

Kyle Gaz Garrick, Simon Ghost Riley, and John Soap McTavish, in the middle of diffusing the bombs planted in the subway, were ambushed by Marov and his goons. He shot soap in the back, and then Price in the chest, holding Price's hand with his boot and telling him to never keep your enemies alive.

Suddenly, soap jumps up and stabs Marov in the neck, but it's not very effective, and Marov shoots soap in the head, and it's very effective. Soap is killed instantly, and Gaz and Ghost rush in and make macarov. Retreat before the task force regroups and cuts the wires, thwarting the evil plot all right.

modern warfare

I have multiple questions. Where are Gaz and Ghost? They seemingly appear out of nowhere, really living up to your namesake there, Simon. Why aren't they already in the tunnel protecting the people diffusing the bombs? By some miracle, Macarov is barely affected by a knife in the neck. Is he able to retreat?

We know he isn't dead because, in the ending cutscene, they confirm he is injured. And why does Marov pull the knife out of his neck? That actively makes the situation worse on the off chance that he was actually going to be okay after being stabbed. He made his chances of dying on the way out the door infinitely higher.

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You are never supposed to remove the weapon after being stabbed. If soap didn't cut anything major going in, he almost certainly did. Coming back out and keeping the knife in his neck could be blocking any extra blood flow from exiting his body and potentially saving his life. I understand they intended the scene to be interpreted differently.


If I wanted to head Canon it. I could say that it's just adrenaline kicking in and an involuntary response to being stabbed in the neck, but removing that blade would have almost definitely been fatal. Why isn't Price showing more care for his fallen allies? He gives up but is otherwise unfazed, even though his teammate was killed by his greatest foe.

Admittedly, a ghost calling out is a good attempt, but then he checks the vitals of the man who has been shot in the temple. And Gaz doesn't even get a line about it unless you sit and try to mourn soap, where he tells you he's gone and you must finish the mission. How did the Marov soldiers not squad wipe these imbeciles?

When Gaz and Ghost run in, they run almost directly in front of enemy fire; they are less than 10 feet in front of their targets. How did they not end our heroes here, and now also, why are macaroon soldiers sitting there watching while soap stabs Marov in the neck? They watch; they are sitting here; they have to watch as soap stabs Macarrov in the neck, and then they watch as Macarrov executes him.


What are they doing? They're just like, I don't know you have this boss. I know a couple of these are nitpicky, but a nitpick can still be correct. I don't think that anyone could justify Gaz and the ghost spawning out of nowhere. Afterward, they have a send-off for soap where they scatter his ashes into the wind, which almost feels like they had an idea of where they wanted to go when scripting but didn't know how to get to that point meaningfully.

Soap and Ghost had a good relationship with Modern Warfare 2, and there was a line of dialogue between them where Soap says he wants to be like Ghost if he lives that long, and Ghost tells him he probably is. Won't, good advice, LT. I want to be with you, and as I grow up, you want to be better than me.


Johnny, I will be a good man. I think I'll live that long, probably. Not i've seen reactions to these bits online like this: This is some great standard for character building, but this is poultry, especially for soap, which is half of the reason people even played the campaign of the original Modern Warfare 3.

My favorite Call of Duty is the original Modern Warfare 3 for a multitude of reasons, and I can already hear some of you saying. All right, he just explained why he doesn't like the new ones; he only likes the old ones, but give me a few minutes to explain myself. As a sign of good faith, I always thought the ending of the original Modern Warfare 3 was heavily rushed, and they had no idea how to wrap up the story in a way that ties the whole story together.

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In the original Modern Warfare 3, Soap has been critically injured and will die if he doesn't get help. Soon you'll fight with Price and a new character in the series called Yuri, who we don't really know much about. Keep that in mind; I'll come back to it later. Soap gets the help he needs, but he still has to take it a little slow.


He's not at 100% capacity, but he still wants to help Price take down Marov. In the game, he tells Yuri that you have to help Price get to Marov to kill him before he makes things worse between Russia and the United States, as at this point. World War III has already begun and the Russian president's daughter has been kidnapped by Makarov's wild plot, but we are focusing on the characters we know.

Infinity Ward has released the new Call of Duty campaign and I had a few thoughts I needed to share. Thanks for stopping by and checking my description, I really appreciate everyone who watches my videos, as I work hard to improve my editing and writing skills with each one.
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