News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i Is Lazy, Poorly Designed Nostalgia Bait (beta Review) Gaming

This feels just as down to the powers of R and Jesus as any call of duty has felt since the days of the 360. And that's why I think this game will be incredibly polarizing for those who've gotten used to the new development of Call of Duty and what made Call of Duty Mod Warfare 2 sell so well. That's the issue with this game; it squanders every advancement made in Call of Duty in the last 5 years, just to attract long-time fans of the series back to the games.


And that's why, in my opinion, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is nothing but lazy. No new maps were added apart from remakes of the Call of Duty Moder Warfare 2 2009 maps, poorly designed guns lacking any sort of significant kick and any sort of wasy feel whatsoever that was worked on so much in Modern Warfare 2 last year.

And then lastly, they are nostalgia baits. Activision has clearly only had things they thought would please previous Call of Duty players, such as a longer time to kill map voting, and so on and so forth. These features coming back to the game should not be reasons to celebrate a release; they are old features that should never have been deleted.

Also read:

Returning, Is there no reason to make a Call of Duty game and pronounce it better than any other Call of Duty game because the basics of this game are so flawed and weak? This feels like a game that was released 10 years ago, and it looks worse than any game that Activision has released in the last 5 years.


There are so many reasons why this is a disappointment, and out of all of them, the main one is that this could have been DLC. They could have been added as a massive map drop to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and continue the legacy that game continued to build and improve its activation relationships with their fans as they worked on a Call of Duty game to really shock all of us and bring the surprise factor back to Call of Duty with maybe a new entry in the Black Ops series that had a longer development cycle, but instead.

They've chosen the route that they thought would make the most money, and that in turn deserves to backfire. Obviously. I'm going to have to test it more extensively to really see if this develops any further, and that includes the zombie mode because that's the one part of this game that I'm actually excited for.

If you agree with anything that I said, be sure to like the article.

This year's Call Of Duty is essentially all the content that should have been DLC for Modern Warfare II. It's lazy, poorly designed, and an embarrassment to Call Of Duty's history. Here's a review of the beta.
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