News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Gameplay Part 8. Highrise. 4k Hdr

cod modern warfare

We broke Romanova and how enhanced financial interrogation at Shepherd's Intel paid off; it's our Intel now. What do we have with this actionable One of Roman Noa's many shell companies purchased an abandoned apartment complex in St. Petersburg for the Coney Group, which was probably a con outpost that's even worse.

Captain I located the building. Recent sad imagery shows a recovery balloon on the roof. The only good reason for that is the quick removal of something you don't want found or someone. The complex is a maze. CLE sweeps from the bottom up. I'll overwatch the rooftop with fire support. How do we extract Hilo's too risky?

You boys catch anything worth bringing home. Nick will pull you out via fixed Wing the balloon, Skyhook if Makarov's there, and get him. Bravo, Six, to watch your drone up. You should have visual eyes on John got multiple Coney troops on the roof of the north building. There's no sign of Maerov.

Who's our boy holding court? He appears to be in charge. I'll run it down to see if we can identify him. Copy guys, you in position; check; let's see who and what we find here; do not leave empty-handed; watch her out affirmatively. Ro is on the move. Take advantage of any ascenders you find; we'll save you some time.


Bravo got a hit on our hbi. His name is Andre Nolan. He goes back to the Inner Circle days with Marov high up the con food chain copy. How do we extract him alive? I'll SEC SP meet. Finish what you started. Soldiers, come closer. I admire your work. I got eyes on Dre Noan Makarov's number two.

He's down, guys. I have to see if he's still alive. He's still dangerous. He is killing me. I won't help you; that's what they all say. Up CH, we got enemy heroes converging on the roof. Bravo to the watcher. Target secure we rosar mik for extract copy that Yankee inbound two mics C for Skyhook copy that's hope we got enough mics to hold them up as they get they really want their

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