News - Best Warzone Pc Settings: Wz Optimization To Improve Visibility

Best warzone graphics settings

Best warzone graphics settings

I benchmarked and visually compared each graphic setting in a life plunder match to help you get the highest FPS at the best visual quality. To give you a taste, here is how War Zone looks and performs completely unoptimized on the lowest settings, compared to my best optimized settings.

How to modify wz settings

All right, so once we're in the game, we have to make sure that we actually modify the appropriate type of settings.

If they actually look like this, kind of halfway filled with gray and black, then these are actually the settings for multiplayer. So in order to modify the war zone-specific settings, you have to open up either a war zone or plunder Lobby. Then click on the Cog icon and go to graphics, and now you can see that the settings actually look slightly different, so you no longer have this kind of gradient.

Best display settings

Best display settings

Behind the non-selected settings , now the display tab is relatively straightforward; under display mode, you want to select full screen exclusive. As always, this gives you the lowest amount of input latency and the highest performance. Select your monitor as well as your primary graphics card, your screen refresh rate, and your screen resolution.

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I like to play at a brightness of 55% to see a little bit better in these dark corners. And in order to further reduce input latency in the war zone, you absolutely want to make sure you have an Nvidia GPU to use Nvidia Reflex Low Latency. What this option is doing is basically making sure that your game is always running at the highest possible performance before your system becomes GPU bottlenecked and that your system actually has to wait for the GPU to render for the next frame.

Most people playing War Zone are likely going to be GPU bottlenecked, in which case you want to select Nvidia reflex low latency on, and on the other hand, if you have a very weak CPU and you're always CPU bottleneck, then select plus boost. By the way, you can check whether you have a CPU or GPU bottleneck by going to the interface, looking for telemetry, and enabling both GPU and CPU time.

Then simply check whether the CPU time or the GPU time is higher, and the one that is higher then means that this is the device that you are bottlenecked on, so as you can see in the menu here, my system is actually CPU bottlenecked, but if I load in to a live war zone match, you will see that my GPU time is always higher than my CPU time, meaning that I am generally GPU bottlenecked.

Ecom mode has absolutely no effect on in-game performance. Make sure to disable vsync and disable any custom frame rate limiter.

Global quality

Global quality

On the quality tab, there have actually been quite a few new additions to the war zone settings that I'd like to cover in today's article. For the best quality. I always recommend having the render resolution set to 100% and disabling the dynamic resolution.

On the other hand, if you absolutely need a boost in performance, then use AMD FSR and add either the quality or ultra-quality preset. The New Path Tracing and Ray Reconstruction C settings are only available on the Nvidia GPU. However, I wasn't able to find any comparison shots to show you how this option actually affects the visuals in War Zone.

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From a quick performance benchmark, I found that this option in fact did reduce performance ever so slightly, so for these reasons, my recommendation would be to turn this off at this point. The vrm scale target is another one of these quite important options that, when set up wrong on specific hardware, can actually lead to quite significant stuttering in War Zone.

best warzone graphics settings

If you have a GPU that, in quotes, only has 8 GB of RAM, which you can see down here on the right-hand side, then you should absolutely not select a VRM scale target of 90 and instead reduce it to 70 or 60%. The reason being that if you select a two-high vram target on a GPU that doesn't have an awful lot of vram, I found that there are a lot of spikes in the frame time graph variable.

Rting is another new option coming to War Zone that actually provides quite a significant boost in performance by reducing the render resolution of certain parts of your image. From my testing, this option improved performance by roughly 3%. While having an almost indiscernible impact on visual quality, note that for variable-rate shading to properly work, you have to both restart the game and make sure that the game recomputes shaders.

If it doesn't do it itself, go to the display tab, click on restart Shader pre-loading, and restart the game. The LSS frame generation only works on 40 series graphics cards and also only if you have hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling enabled.

Details & textures

Details & textures

Moving on to details and texture, we have texture resolution. From this comparison, you can see that playing the game at very low settings makes the game look absolutely trash while providing only a marginal boost in performance over the low and normal presets. On the other hand, going all the way up to high actually introduces a significant reduction in performance, especially in the 1% lows, so my clear recommendation for anybody is to play at the normal texture resolution, or if you don't have a 2B GPU, at least at the low preset.

best warzone pc settings

Texture an isotropic filtering has absolutely no impact on performance whatsoever and because this improves the quality of textures that are viewed at a high angle I would highly recommend to set this to high the dep of field you absolutely want to make sure to turn off because this will introduce these kind of grainy, depth of field filter in your gun and on Textures that are very close to you and because this both looks ugly and also reduces your performance whenever you ads you should definitely turn this off the detail quality level has a measurable impact on performance in war zone and the Improvement in visual Fidelity of these sort of world geometries really isn't worth the hit in performance and therefore you should definitely turn this off particle resolution was actually quite tricky to Benchmark in plunder because obviously there weren't a lot of particles going on in a static scene, however if I do Benchmark this in a modern warfare free Benchmark then I'm seeing quite significant reductions in performance, and since explosions can happen quite often in a battle royale my recommendation here as well would be to actually turn this to very low in order to reduce these kind of spikes in low frame rates whenever something explodes.

The best Warzone settings to improve visibility on Urzikstan. I compare and benchmark each WZ setting and provide actual, fact based suggestions to boost FPS. Optimize Warzone to get best performance on Urzikstan with this best Warzone PC graphics setting guide.
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