News - Best Fire Shotgun Warzone 2 - Bryson 800 Class Setup

best way to unlock fire shotgun warzone 2

That's what you get, anchor. That's what you get for being a rat. One rat dies for another. It's just the rat's circle. You know, it's usually the circle of life, but it's the rat's circle in this game. That was so satisfying. Ah, this guy's like, "Ah, what's going on out here, man?" "What's all this noise out here?" Swanton bombed with the shotgun, so skilled with the fire hose, the One-Shot rat killer.

I wish it was a one-shot. it only one shots if they've got two plates, my apologies if I sign OH. Look at this rat; look at him; look at him. He's just sitting there. What could it be? The sick playlist was updated all right. Let me try this guy over here; I'm going to try to put out the fire.

I feel like that might actually help, because that's minus damage range. I think I could help quite a lot. The incendiary damage like I've never actually had a kill with the incendiary; it seems to do such tiny damage. I've died off the rep a couple of games in a row, so let's not do that. Yeah, I think, actually, from what I've seen so far, it's actually better without the fire rounds.

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If they bought fire rounds, which honestly, hopefully they don't. I was just kind of using this because I've seen that nobody was really using the shotgun, and I was curious like, "Why is nobody using the fire shotgun in this game?" You know, is it one of those things that it's okay that nobody knows about yet?

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And from what I can tell so far, it's not really OP; it's good, but it's not that OP, at least compared to akimbo pistols. So if you really want to use a shotgun, gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals, or gimbals. I think you only really want to use the shotgun if you break them heavily with your assault rifle or other sort of weapon and you just want to push them, but from what I can see so far it's not worth it it's not worth a primary weapon slot.

I'm going to wait for the next zone to come in. I want to see what I'm dealing with here, like I finally see if someone like this is not ideal for shotgun Xyler; we're hiding in the plant. All right, we're going to wait for the zone to push in; there's almost certainly somebody in this room or in the top 20.


It's killed so far; it's ending right here, and the good loop is closed. Nice, let's go! Unfortunately, those guys were just out of position for shotgun kills. I wasn't going to risk the win for a shotgun fight, but yeah, good games. Unless they heavily buff the shotguns, I'm probably not going to use them again.

I think for the next gameplay I'm going to try to get some gameplay with the up here nine days, enough kills to win camp super hard that game because I really just wanted to get those kills with the shorty and move on, so the class set up at the end here or the wind was sold off mold, which is aimed inside Spade Sprint to power speed movement speed and hit power recoil control.

I think aiming with the shotgun is a big deal. You definitely don't want to just have it fired; if you have a chance, try to aim down sights with it. The vlk laser 7 milliwatt, which has aimed inside speed, aimed stability, and sprint to fire speed, is used with the rifle barrel, which has bullet velocity, tighter pellet spread, damage range minus, and aimed downside speed.

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This is pretty much a must-use attachment on any setup of this gun. I've got the brace and an improved choke. I've seen people using just the Bryson choke, which you have to level the brace in the 890 up to level 15 for, and this attachment gives you damage range as well, so I think I would probably prefer that for the tuning.

I've got it set to maximum damage range and maximum recall steadiness, basically, and I'm using the balloon warrior grip, which is hypocrisy, heifer recoil control e-marking, steadiness, and recoil steadiness, and I also got the tune to hypocrisy, and I hit power recoil control, which definitely helps quite a lot.

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If you're looking to use a fire shotgun setup, basically use the same setup except for putting on Dragon's Breath, but from what I can tell, the incendiary damage doesn't really hurt your damage range that much. I think it's probably better overall to have no ammo, or it might even be worth trying the slow grinds, which I don't have unlocked yet, but you'll have to be very accurate with those.

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That's it for the Bryson 800 class setup. Drop a like, drop a subscribe, and I think next time we're going to use the akimbo pistols

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