News - Answering Youtubes Top Searches On Warzone 2 Zombies Tips And Tricks

He's going to be doing his solo up here on the channel. The next one is how to get the ray gun in Modern Warfare zombies. And we already went over this, but honestly, guys, if you find this thing, I'm telling you right now, nine times out of 10, you're going to leave it right where you found it. I don't know how they could make the ray gun so trashy in this game; it's just absolutely criminal; our next one we got MW3, Zombies ether tear locations; yeah, absolutely.


I'm actually going to throw up this map on the screen right here; it's going to show you guys where, honestly, everything is. A big shout out to Mwz. A big shout-out to those guys. I've referenced them several times throughout my articles. This makes showing things on maps, especially in the dark ether and stuff like that, way easier.

For this one, we got two that are kind of the same question, and I think we kind of already answered one: the best guns from Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I actually do have a top five list up on the channel right now for season 3, but we also got here the best Striker class from Modern Warfare 3 zombies.

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I just recently did a article on the Striker 9, and I do believe this is pretty insane. We're going to toss up the load out on the screen right here for anybody that wants to check that out for our next, and I do believe this is going to be our final question that we're going to be looking at today.

It's how to get kill streaks in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I'm just going to let you guys know right now that there's going to be only two of them that are actually worth your time. It's going to be the sentry gun and the jug. Both of these can be purchased at the buy-in station. Sentry guns are going to cost you 2, 000 Essence.


The jug is going to cost you $10,000. These can also be obtained by completing contracts all over the map. The jug is definitely more likely to be found inside the red-tier zone. Some mega-abominations are also a pretty good way to get your hands on them. You know what, guys? We'll take a look at one more.

We got Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Zombie Easter Egg now. I know this one's actually a pretty hot topic, and this is why I kind of wanted to squeeze it in here as of right now. All the way in season 3, we still don't have an actual main Easter egg quest in Modern Warfare Zombies, but we do have the storyline, and there are a bunch of those little, small Easter eggs that you can do all around the map or inside of the dark ethers; none of them are a main, actual, hidden Easter egg quest that has taken us a long time to decipher.


Everything in this game is pretty laid out for you. Let's say the two main Easter eggy things that there are to do in this game are just finding those pieces to unlock the dark ether and then having to upgrade them. I know that could definitely be a little bit of a challenge for some people. Also, setting up the red worm fight was another thing that was kind of a little bit of an Easter egg, but I mean, it was just that it was solved so quickly; it's actually just incredible and easy to do, especially if you have that Scorch in your case.

You can easily set up the worm fight and then have, like, over half of the match to just run around and do whatever you want. I don't know since ER is already off and working on their next game. My hopes for an actual Easter egg in this game are pretty damn low. That is going to be about it, guys.

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That is our top search about Modern Warfare 3 zombies that YouTube wanted to feed me today. Hopefully we were able to answer some questions, or if not, maybe we just entertained you. I appreciate everybody who took the time out of their day to watch the article. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next one.

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