News - Activision Is Trying To Intentionally Sabotage Warzone 2

Then it doesn't matter how easy it is to detect, you know, people; it doesn't matter how funny it is to troll the cheaters with the Ricochet anti-che. None of that stuff matters; it's all irrelevant because everybody's going to get right back into the game and torture the rest of the community, especially the crowd who coughed up $70 plus for your game.

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Again, Activision is choosing greed over what's right for the community, and in my opinion, that is them sabotaging this title, whether they want to believe it's sabotaging or not. In my eyes, that is sabotaging your game, but ladies and gentlemen, do me a massive favor. Do you think that these cheaters were rightfully banned, or do you think it's a lot of people who you know weren't cheating who got falsely accused and falsely banned, you know, thrown into the mix here of 23, 000 players, and also do you think this is enough?

You know, do you think that 23, 000 players is enough people banned in this wave, or do you think it should be more? You know, this was marked I think they said mid-November right, so about a month worth of, you know, people being caught 23, 000 out of, you know, probably the hundreds of thousands who are cheating.

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I don't know if that's a decent number. I don't want to make it seem like cheaters are absolutely everywhere, but you know it's not a million-dollar business for no reason; it's a million-dollar business because people buy them all the time, and there's more cheaters out there than you could possibly expect.

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