News - 5 Ways To Instantly Improve At Any Cod Zombies Game (w. W-warzone 2)

Like, kind of run like a half moon, and then you arch backward, and you just keep doing that forward and backward and forward and backward, and this allows you to collect the zombies, and then once you have them all, you can destroy them. The next method is the Double L or long stride method, so with this one, all I'm doing is running in a straight line one way, and then I run a complete opposite line, like backward to where I came from, and this once again helps you hear the zombies, and this one's a little bit more intense.

When I'm running these lines, I'm actually sprinting to one end; I'm chilling out; I'm waiting for the zombies to catch up to me; and then I'm sprinting. Back the way I came, you know, avoiding this one's a little bit more riskier, but it is a good way to hurt up the zombies. Finally. I have my favorite, the dollar sign or the snake train, and how I do this is just like, kind of like, think of a snake, where you just move in like a big S shape and you're just going back and forth and back and forth, but I'm also like, moving on, kind of like with that Dash Sprint one that I just talked about, where literally you're just going in one direction.

And then at the end, like, I actually like to run it back, and then I like to restart the process and do my S over again. It's just a great way to beat up the zombies, and I call it the dollar sign because you know you're doing an S, and then you do one dash back towards you, so it's just kind of a fun little play on words overall.

If you actually go back to when I talked about when it's time to appropriately kill a zombie, go back to your strategic killing, and that will actually allow you to be a better trainer, but that's going to get into our final topic practice. Yes practice makes perfect and you know what specifically, if you combine all four of these things that we just talked about your zombies game is going to get so much better but what I want you to do instead of like rushing and trying to do all four in one game maybe try to focus on one element first because if you're trying to do all four at the same time you might overwhelm yourself so just keep in mind like take note on one area of weakness where you could improve on one of these things on the list and then go out and use it on the game, as well start a little bit easier you don't have to jump into a really hard map right away like try to do like an easier map get better at it like I would say I got really good at Zombies by running trains on keyot or Toten when that came out like way back in the day when bo1 was first released.

That's where I gained my confidence to start running, and then once Ascension came out, I was like, Okay, this is like the perfect training map. I even thought it was better than Kino because it is anyway. I actually gained my confidence by doing that, so make sure you're actually finding it easier.

Maps like don't just jump into Shanghai. LA, or Mob of the Dead, or something that's a little bit trickier for running trains—I mean, there are some areas that you can find, but at the end of the day, find something that's easy and then build up your difficulty. Overall, I hope you found this article really helpful, because when I started playing COD zombies, I was also trash at World at War.

I downed myself so many times by doing silly things and even into Black Ops 1 as well, but once by the time BO2 hit. Drop a like on it if you enjoyed it. You guys are

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