News - 3 Things You Need To Do Before Season 2 Starts Warzone 2 Zombies

But by now. I'm pretty sure most of you will have these schematics unlocked, and if you guys do have schematics in your tombstone, it's going to be because you guys are gifting people and stuff like that. So if you guys want to be able to keep those schematics safe 100%, then what I'd highly suggest that you guys do is obviously set a tombstone with those schematics in your tombstone.

mw3 zombies

Go and fill via a mission xfill, and make sure you disconnect your game that way when you come back into the lobby. All of the schematics are going to be in your backpack right here, as this one is, and then from there, just come off the game completely. Now, at the start of season 2, you guys will load up, and everything will still be in your backpack most of the time at the start of most seasons.

Everything's still in your backpack. At the start of last season, everything was in my backpack, so I'm assuming at the start of this season, everything will be in our backpack. So let's just say your schematics are in your backpack; they are now safe. As I said, if you guys need an in-depth tutorial on how to go ahead and max out your stash, then do watch that article.

Also read:

If you guys don't know how to do the Tombstone glitch, then also go and watch that article as well. Anyway, that's it for me. It's been your boy, F. I'm out peace go take our bodies higher and higher.

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