News - 15 Minutes Of Advanced Tips & Tricks For Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies beginners guide

Now this is a mercenary stronghold. This is going to be something really lucrative for you if you want a three- plate vest we're going to unlock the mercenary stronghold with that key card that we got and right away we're going to see one of the most annoying enemies in the game in that se Shield Soldier you want to shoot him in his feet or his hand as he's shooting you but as you can see with death perception these things become quite trivial you literally have Wall hacks and you can just go right up to these guys and shoot them now once you've cleared the stronghold, it's all well and good you can look at all the loot that it has within it but usually on the Second Story, you're going to see this safe once you start cracking open the safe you will have reinforcement, mercenaries.

So if you have the ray gun case or you found a ray gun, you can just head on up to where you know the helicopter is going to be, and the ray gun is excellent at taking out that vehicle, and that's it. You've secured that safe pretty darn well. Once that safe is unlocked, there is a guaranteed Fortress key card and a three-plate armor vest.

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Now, new to season 1, now that we have the ray gun equipped as our secondary, if we try to switch to it, we get the pistol Fast Draw effect alongside vehicles and cranes that we used earlier. Balloons are an excellent way of traversing the map really quickly, but again, we can jump and redeploy without that really unnecessary animation at the beginning.

mw3 zombies gameplay

Another area that I love to loot whenever I'm in the neighborhood is this one here. I don't know how to pronounce it, but it's a pretty common area, and there are usually quite a few loot chests around here. You can see we've got cash registers. We've got this ethereum-infused, look at that, we've got that in Speed Cola very nice, another duffel bag, some more cash registers.

mw3 zombies guide

And there was just a free monkey bomb on the shelf, ready for anyone to take and look at. This is really good cash hidden in this truck that you might not have seen without death perception. I wish it had better stuff in it but you know the principle's there and look at that little hidden cash up here I'm telling you this is a good spot another turret circuit very nice, now if you're looking for some fast cash these lockers usually have a good chance of getting these rare or green comic books and even some of these purple comic books that you can sell at a buy station for some quick cash but if you really want quick cash you're going to be wanting to complete these contract missions, and one of the easiest, contracts to complete has to be the cargo contract now you will find some mercenaries, hidden in here you can just shoot through the walls and then open up the garage door to get your LTV.

mw3 zombies solo

Now, when you open the garage door, you don't need to hit this panel; you just need to go up to the actual door itself, and you can see that the door with the icon above is the one with the LTV in it, so that's the one you're going to want to choose when driving in the cargo contracts. It feels as though this was designed so that you had to stay on the main roads because if you stay on the main roads you get a really easy trip and by roads, sometimes I mean even train tracks and if you're brand new never done a cargo delivery Mission don't worry about the helicopter shooting you it's not going to kill you it can but if you're driving at all, it won't and just like that you just drive into it and you have completed a contract and look at that a rare ather tool speaking of ather tools one of the best ways to get them is indeed the infested St holds that we just did earlier but whenever you see one of these ethereal orbs right here just start shooting it so long as you keep dealing damage to it will drop some of these Essence containers that you can get some extra points with but keep shooting it and, 99%.

Most of the time, once you defeat it, it will drop an Aether tool. Now, usually in tier 2, it drops a blue Aether tool; in tier 1, it drops a green Aether tool; but it is a little bit random; and in tier 3. I have found that it drops a purple Aether tool somewhat more consistently. Now. I'm not going to take the time to loot this area, but this low town area on the map this low town area is also full of crates and stuff to loot too, so if you're in the neighborhood, you might as well check it out.

mw3 zombies solo gameplay

Don't be too afraid of driving through the storm, especially at the beginning of the game, because at the beginning of the game, it's not that big. Now, around the map, you may find yourself finding these runes. These runes act almost like a telephone, where if you know the correct sequence, you can open up a portal and jump in for 1, 000 points, and these runes will show up on the exit side of their areas with the address right here.

Now, many people believe that decoys were heavily nerfed in the previous update, but they still work perfectly fine, especially for solo players in Tier 3. You just throw down a decoy. And the zombies will be attracted to the decoy, and it works just like it did in the previous update you do want to be careful when driving vehicles in tier 3 because the higher tier of zombie that it is the more it will damage your vehicle in tier three don't worry about killing zombies you can see I just have enough points for a triple Pack-a-Punch 2 weapon, and we're killing zombies just fine but luckily we do have enough points for a triple Pack-a-Punch so that's exactly what we're going to do, that is, until we get critical damage because Tier 3 zombies really just crush those vehicles.

mw3 zombies solo guide

That being said, much like the high rounds of zombies in past games, you do want to make, train, or run away from the zombies until you are ready to turn around and shoot them, but luckily we could just fly by in here and get Pack-a-Punch Tier 3. You could see that because we meleed the Pack-a-Punch earlier in the game all the way at the beginning of the game, it still holds true that it's still retaining that original base camo now along with our great Ascend trick here, skipping that animation.

mw3 zombies solo tips

I have seen a lot of people, myself included, have a lot of trouble with these zip lines right here. These zip lines can be really finicky, so the thing that I've done to make them consistent. Is to jump in them and then hold the interaction button that has gotten it every single time for me but we're in tier three this storm is right around here somewhere we should probably xfill as soon as possible so I'm going to open up my tag ma scroll all the way out and we can see right up north here we've got a an xill that we can do right here so let's head on over there we're going to get this mid-flight, here very good I mean there might be a chance for one more quick tip here let's go ahead use a decoy grenade to kind of distract all of these guys and we could put in these Napalm, turrets right here to charge up the sentry gun and this is going to absolutely, demolish.

Here are 15 minutes of advanced tips and tricks for Modern Warfare Zombies. Let's not waste any more time.
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