News - 100 Tips & Tricks For Warzone Mobile (global Launch)

Always buy a self-revive, and then, when you get knocked, use a self-revive. But Stop close to the end; this way, your teammate can revive you super fast, and you can still use your revive. If your team calls in three UAVs at the same time, you will get an advanced UAV. Your enemies cannot hear you climb ladders, so you need to be careful about enemies climbing up them as well when you're in a goog, and if you and your teammate die at the exact same time, he can tell you where your enemy is always pinging items or enemy locations for you and your team so you all know what's going on.

High Ground: If you have high ground, you have an advantage in every way. Play at your own pace; you do not need to rush like all of these YouTubers. Ignore your stats. A lot of people only care about stats, but when you stop carrying and just try to get better, you will improve faster. Learn snaking it is an advanced way to watch your enemies while they cannot see you, just prone, and then at the same time sprint back up.

If you do this really fast, you can get a huge advantage. Practice your aim and make sure your aiming sensitivities. Are comfortable to you when you're in buildings, always watch for minds, and camping players pay attention to kill fees so you know how to play accordingly, especially if you're in rank.

Aim for the headshots; they kill way faster. Practice jiggle-peaking to catch your enemies off guard and to not leave yourself open. You can get shot through walls, so make sure you're in a good area. Your enemies can see your laser, if you have one. Also, watch out for enemy lasers. You can get a free kill when placing your load out; throw it behind cover or in a safe area so you will not get shot in the back and learn footstep sounds.

The more you play, the more you will be able to learn all the audio. This will help you find out where your enemies are. Smoke can save you from a lot of situations, and it can help you get away from squads and get easy rotations. Do not stand still. Snipers are always camping in your buildings, looking for a free kill.

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If you're getting shot at in the open, dolphin diving can make it hard for your enemies to hit you. Pay attention to the zone and try to be close to the center of the zone every single time. Never let your enemy's movement scare you; just stay calm, walk back, and fire at them. After you shoot your enemy, a shield icon will appear above their head.

Try to continue to shoot them through walls. Always fight against enemies running upstairs. Since you have the height and there's nowhere they can go, do not take 50-50 gunfights. Try to always have the advantage before taking any fight. Reposition yourself after everything you do. If you stay in the same spot, you will die.

Take gunfights based on what guns you have if you have a SMG. Try to be as close as possible; the stem and battle rage can both save you from the storm.

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