News - You Are Bad At Call Of Duty Warzone 2

Who's better i know that in this game, I play a little slow. I know that in this game, I'm playing a lot slower. I'm using head glitches. I'm kind of holding down points, but that's me using AR and shipment; it's me being smart; it's not me pushing up when I need to; it's me staying back a little bit when I'm trying to figure out where they're spawning, as easy as it can be.

Go check out the attachments. Go check out the guns. They have very little recoil to start out with, and then people like me who are sliding and jumping are the ones who are bad. This game is not about the people who actually stink. I don't know, man, it's just crazy to me, so I had to make a article on it and just show.

modern warfare 3

I love every single one of y'all. Next, have a great, wonderful day.

This video is for those who love to talk st in my comments about the way I play. sorry you are just bad at Call of Duty.
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