News - Win More Fights Warzone With This New Strategy


YouTube I found the most broken strategy in War Zone the other day. I remembered a big change that Call of Duty made when War Zone 3 was first released, and I realized that I hadn't seen or run into a single player taking advantage of it as well as I did in my first game attempting this strategy. I actually broke my personal record in War Zone solos pretty easily.

In the patch notes released on December 6th, the developers announced a change to the way gas masks interact with the tactical equipment known as experimental. Gas, now if you have a gas mask equipped, you no longer experience any of the effects of its gassy blast, which include decreased vision, slow movement, increased difficulty using your weapon, and it deals five damage for every second that you're in the gas since hardly anyone actually equips their gas mask.

Later in the game. I realized that this might just be the single best tactical in the war zone and could quite possibly guarantee a win in every gunfight unless the opponent themselves is wearing a gas mask. The loadout is simple: any weapons of your choosing, just equip the experimental gas in your tactical slot, and be sure to use the resupply perk so you never run out before obtaining your loadout.


Just simply find or purchase a gas mask. I ended up testing this theory off-stream, so I don't talk more than once or twice in the game. I know most of you are here for the clever commentary and the soothing sounds of my voice, but I think the gameplay will speak for itself. That's a win-win way to take what's.

These are metaphors.

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