News - Why Was Warzone 2 Hated So Much

I completely forgot that reload canceling wasn't in the game, and that was also just another terrible thing about this game; it left you in a lot of like situations, where once you started reloading, you were just committed to it, and if someone pulled up on you while you're reloading, well, you were just totally screwed.

It was so annoying and disrupted the flow so badly. Let's go ahead and mention sniping right now, since this kind of thing falls under the gunplay umbrella. We all know that for the longest time, snipers didn't exist in War Zone 2, and that was because they were extremely easy to use. You would throw High Velocity ammo on it, and it was pretty much hit scan, which honestly even made two taps pretty easy.


I was on the train of wanting a one-shot sniper, but not with the same velocity as the snipers I was using, and not even having an option for a one-shot sniper that would decrease the velocity was super annoying. Obviously, I think it was probably like a whole half year before they added a one-shot sniper that was like, not bug but visual recoil, bad sniping, bad meta, good overall, Gunplay, Bad.

Starting with the N contracts, this was seriously one of the coolest things that we've ever seen in a war zone. For those of you who don't know, I'm assuming most of you do, but I'll go ahead and explain it anyway. You had to win five games in a row with the same squad just to be able to attempt the contract, and obviously, we all know that contract was extremely difficult.

warzone 2

You basically had to assemble elements, and if you were carrying one, they each had their own negative effects, whether it be like marking you on the map or slowly damaging you or something like that. Then you had to assemble all the parts on a specific site, and then once you armed the bomb, you had to defend it, and there was always marking and there was like just a bunch of people trying to attack you, but if you were lucky enough to complete this contract, it was like a huge adventure to have under your belt.

I stand by saying that this is like one of the toughest gaming accomplishments. Today, I personally have never completed one, but it definitely gave you something to grind for this seriously spawn-like genre of streamer. That would just strictly grind nukes and kind of carry people to nukes; that was like their whole specialty, which I thought was really cool.


Then you have the black site, which I know is not as difficult as the nuke, but it's kind of like a quest within the Battle Royale game as well. I'll go ahead and briefly mention how you do it as well, even though you probably know once you complete a stronghold you get a key that unlocks the black site, which there's only one of on the map after fighting AI a juggernaut and other squads going for it.

You're gifted with a ton of exclusive loot that you can't get any other way at launch. The AI was super annoying and redundant, but they eventually got it to a balanced state where it wasn't too like in your face nowadays. Black Sights are a random in-game event at the beginning of each match, which I wish was just present in every single match.

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It's nice that we have that option, but it's not guaranteed, so kind of annoying, but whatever, Overall, the nuke contract and black sites are massive. W, Believe it or not, War Zone 1 had never been ranked, so this was the first iteration of rank we would see in War Zone before I started dabbling in rank.

I didn't really see ranked as necessary because ranked in a battle royale sense kind of seems like scuff to me, but after playing it, it makes a lot more sense, gives the game a whole lot more depth, and is like a reason to grind. Before, all you really had was like high-kill games and like how many wins you had, but now you had something to kind of show off, and we're kind of seeing that right now with Resurgence ranked on Fortune's Keep, which I think is even better ranked another.

Now, this is something that should have been in War Zone from the start. Pubg did it first, and it was awesome. Now War Zone 2 decided to add the game, and it was also awesome. This not only creates a ton of fun scenarios but also puts trash talk on an all-time high. Before, we only had the death chat, which allowed for some but not all conversations; now we have full-blown conversations in real time, which is just spectacular.

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The proximity chat compilations on YouTube are just like endless amounts of content proximity chat is a. W sims have absolutely no effect on movement or attack. Sprint, which is like super lame, also didn't really help you heal in the storm whatsoever. I mean, it technically did, but it was like, very, very little.

While we're talking about the gas, let's go ahead and mention gas plays being absolutely nerfed to hell aside from the stems not doing a damn thing, bu stations got disabled, like only 2 seconds after being the gas. I'm not even joking; it was something so stupid, and on top of that, the gas hit even harder than it did in War Zone 1.

I would love to know why they made this change because, like, gas plays are some of the most fun things you can do in War Zone, especially in the end game. I think towards the end of War Zone 2, they kind of buffed it a little bit where Sims actually helped you out a little bit, but nothing like in War Zone 1 or War Zone 3 overall, huge ER on, this.

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This was a really small feature that they kind of slipped into an update that I thought actually had a huge impact on Resurgence. In general, it was a genius idea that should have been in the game from the start for those who don't know what dynamic resurgence is. It essentially scaled down the resurgence timer to however big your squad size is, despite which mode you got queued in.

For example, if you're running solo quads, no feel; your resurgent timer is going to be exactly the same as if you were playing regular solo solos. Not only this, but load-out prices scale to the respected team size as well. We use that same solo quad noil again as an example, making a load-out of only $7500, Versus 15, 000, Which is a huge quality of life change.

I mean, think of the solo quad potential on Rebirth Island. Had this been around, it would have been doable, but once you died, it was over. This seriously could have been game-changing. Experience in War Zone 1 is all right, so let's go ahead and factor in all these changes together. For the good of maps, we have looting and Ranked Nuke Contract Dynamic Resurgence proximity chat, and for the bad, we have movement, gun play, gas play, and stems, so you could argue that the good outweighs the bad, right?

Well, honestly, probably not two of the three major cons are movement and gunplay, which I would argue are the two core fundamental gameplay mechanics of Call of Duty in general, and if those two are lacking in the game, well, that's not exactly a good thing. Does that make War Zone 2 bad? Not exactly, but it definitely is my least favorite iteration of War Zone.

Today we look at howwhy warzone 2 was hated by many and see if it really deserved the hate that it received. I don't think it was terrible but certainly missed a lot of marks that it had no reason not to. From movement to gunplay warzone 2 had it's issues but also had a lot of features that are now staples in Warzone 3.
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