News - Why People Hate The Warzone Mobiles New Update

cod mobile

They think that they're getting worse frames on this new update. Wait a minute; they have removed the lucky draws from this game. This is such a huge man; no more. Cod Mobile 2.0, yep, we are inside the game; let me just choose my loadout. Okay, come on, I think my ping is all horrible. My God, I'm not even controlling my fing operator anymore.

Thank God, I think we're getting some good things in this match, and we are inside the game. I think a lot of people don't know how the War of M new updates work, and let me tell you what the way that the new updates work is: they release the new 4 GB update, and they wait for the players feedback.

You know, they wait for 2 days for the players to report the bugs and report the optimization issues like you did, and they try to fix it on the next update. When people report bugs and optimization problems on the new update, developers will go ahead and fix the bugs in the form of hotfix updates.

Talking about the hot fix updates, we got a hot fix update 2 days ago, I guess, and after that hot fix update, the game got smoother. Like, I was getting 45 frames on shootouts when I was playing multiplayer, but after the hot fix update, I'm getting 60 profit frames on shootouts, which shows that this game got smoother.

cod mobile update

And I'm not saying that I'm getting 120 FPS in this game; I'm saying that it got smoother, and it is how the vs. Mobile new updates work. Let me get some free XP from this spot. And let me give you guys a quick tip: if you want to level up your weapons, throw decoys all over the map, and you're going to get a lot of XP because of it.

Yeah, and that's how the vs. Mobile's new updates work. They go ahead and release the major update, and then they wait for the players feedback and fix the problems on the hot fix update, and this cycle goes on and on and on until the global release. I hope you guys get my point. The major update might have some issues, but they go ahead and fix them on the hot fix updates, and the reason that you think that you're getting fewer frames is that the hot fix update is not out yet, and after the hot fix update, your FPS is going to be way better.

how to play mobile

The next major update is going to be the season 2 reloaded update, and you might be getting fewer frames at the beginning of the update, but after the hot fix update, your FPS is going to go higher, but what the [__]] is this guy doing? He really thought he's going to kill me or something, which I have missed, but in a good way.

Let me just pick my loadout drop, and another possibility is the laboratory mouse possibility. You might say, What the hell are you talking about? Let me tell you, as you all know, that we are still in the test version of this game, and guess what? They're going to test things out, and because of that, they're going to see your device as a laboratory mouse.

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They're going to go ahead and optimize the performance of your phone and things like this so they can optimize this game for other devices, and that's why we had a 30-frame cap on this game. If you think about it, it actually makes sense, and the players who play this game on the test version of the game report out about the problems with this game and say that yeah, this game is not optimized for a specific device.


And the developers go ahead and fix that, and that's how they use the players and their devices, as in the laboratory. Mouse, which is not a bad thing, let's be honest, and that's why I don't recommend you play this game if your device is not capable of running this game on the test version. You might be able to play this game on the glue relay, but playing it on the test version might be kind of risky.

mobile update

Okay, I ran out of bullets. There's no way you're a real player. What's so horrible? But if you have a good device, it's not going to be a problem for you. You know you can go ahead and play the game on the test version, and your device is going to handle it. Decently and by a laboratory mouse I obviously mean nothing bad and it's actually a good thing so people can report out on the bugs and the glitches and the performance issues that they're facing so this game gets ready for the glue release so the others can be where the [__]] did this thing came from I mean so the other people can enjoy this game too okay at least I didn't get finished, off and by the way I'm still sick holy let just get into the safe zone and someone on the comments might say that yeah you hate this game or you're a me Rider or something like this let me tell you what I don't hate this game and I'm not a meat Rider, okay.

I want to play this game and enjoy it, but if I see an issue. I'm going to talk about it. I don't give a [__]. You know I'm not a meat rider, and if something about this game is decent, I'm going to talk about that too, like how they have removed the lucky draws from this game, which is absolutely.

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