News - Warzone's New Update Is A Complete Disaster

A lot of the mantling spots and mounting spots have been fixed across the map to make interacting with them more consistent—over 150. Areas known for clipping have been solved, and over 20 known map exploits to get out of the map have now been fixed, so players can't use them anymore. I experienced one of those a couple of days ago: a player hiding behind a wall with the rest of his team.


That's now been fixed, which is brilliant. The buy station UI looks a lot cleaner, and it's easier to identify what items you're looking for. The Bounty contract now has a yellow, amber, and red threat coloring system in the widget that appears on the left-hand side of the screen, which makes it easier for you to see that your threat is either close or further away.

Just a quick glance at a quick glance at the side of your screen—they're good things. However, these current positives, to me, don't make up for how bad of an update overall season 1 reloaded has been. Clearly, it wasn't ready to be deployed in the state it was in. There were so many unsolved issues that it shipped with, and it needed more time in the oven.

Now, this isn't a new situation for Call of Duty updates either, with many in the past being pushed out in a bad Now I know decisions like this aren't taken by the developers themselves; people actually are doing the work on these updates; those decisions come from higher up, and my hope is that those people see just how bad things got this time and that they don't push out a broken update again.

Neither the hardworking developers putting in their time and effort to build enjoyable experiences for the players nor the players themselves deserve to be treated like they've been treated here; they just want to enjoy the new stuff, and I'm sure the developers. I want to put out a good update that works so people can play it and enjoy it.

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Neither of those things happened; players didn't enjoy it, and the developers clearly didn't get the time they needed to make sure this update worked, so I'm really hoping the people who make these decisions look forward and don't do this again. Now I want to finish this article by touching on something that I think is really important for the success of War Zone moving forward, and we spoke about this a little bit on my stream last night with the other guys.

War Zone needs to stop being released around Christmas time each year; it's more trouble than it's worth quite clearly. Call of Duty games launch in October or November, and a huge amount of work goes into that release. Then, just a few weeks later, an entire free-to-play segment launches with massive amounts of complexity.

Could be alleviated. By changing the release window of the war zone integration and moving it into the earlier months of the year after the main game launches. February or March for those of you that played vians, you'll remember that War Zone didn't actually launch until midway through season 2 of Modern Warfare 2019.

Well, after the huge rush to get the game out for the end of 2019, take that blueprint and apply it to war zone ekhan, and I think not only could this entire update by Deb Barkle have been avoided, but it would have allowed the team at Raven more time to bring ukhan to fans in a better overall shape.

All of these quality-of-life fixes that have arrived now could have been part of the original product. All of the balancing that's having to be done to fix these broken Mets all of that could have been tested further and smoothed out so we have a more suitable, functional weapon spread at launch. I think it's time for Activision and the teams to work on these huge war zone integrations.

Take a look at the period where they launch and move that period.

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Don't even bother playing for a few days because Warzone's new update is a complete disaster. Bugs, glitched, disabled features, laggy servers and even more fun content for everyone to enjoy.
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