News - Warzone Settings You Didn't Know You Need To Change

That was pretty good, but I could probably get even closer to the ground, and by doing that, I've now landed. If I landed near a building, I could run in, grab a gun, pop out, and I'd be ready to fight right away. There could be other people still parachuting in from all kinds of directions, and I am ready every single time.

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Unfortunately, obviously, the one caveat is that if you don't pull that shot, you just hit the ground and die, which will happen a few times, and you'll just have to accept it, go into the next game, and make sure it doesn't happen again now. It literally takes one click; it is no effort on your guys part, and it means an absolute ton to me, so yeah, go and click that button now.

Move/run faster!

Move/run faster!

Next up, we're going to talk about how we can move around a lot quicker and more efficiently while still staying in control of how we are moving and blending that all together.

This is really, really important, and a lot of people have this setup completely wrong, so by default, in Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone, if you want to tactically sprint, you have to double tap your Sprint Key, which for me is shift, and that puts you into a tactical sprint. After a little bit, that tactical sprint will run out, and I sort of start spamming that button again a couple of times, not really knowing when it's going to come back, and eventually the cooldown comes back up and I can sprint again, but I'm having to constantly.

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Focus on putting that Sprint input in to move as quickly as possible, which isn't too efficient. Now what a lot of people do—I know a lot of streamers and pros do this—is they fix it by turning on automatic tax sprint, which you can find in either the keyboard, mouse, or mouse or the controller area; it's under automatic sprint, and you put on automatic tactical sprint, and a lot of people leave it as this, where you can now just put in a move forward input.

So for me, that's W on the keyboard without a Sprint input, and I'm St into a tactical Sprint every single time so I can be as cracked out as possible slide cancel moving around; no Sprint key is needed. It sounds good, but not really because I no longer can walk. I can only sprint, tactical sprint, tactical sprint, or sprint when the tactical sprint runs out.

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As you'll see now, I have no option but to walk and be sneaky and tactical if I want to, which is really not very good. My feet are stamping around as loud as possible, so I'm going to show you how you can get a happy medium between the two, and it is by far the best setup for war zones. What you need to do is go to the keyboard, mouse, or controller.

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Turn off that tactical Sprint automatic. We don't want that to be put off; instead, you're going to go three settings down to Tactical Sprint behavior, and you want to put this from double tap to single tap run, which, as you can see here, says single tap to Tactical Sprint while running. What this does now is if I just put in a move-forward input.

I'm walking so I have control of that now. I can just walk around. I've still got my gun ready and up, but now if I put in just that one Sprint input, straight into a tactical Sprint, no normal sprinting, no double tap needed, very nice, and there's an even added bonus over the original setting, which is that if we just put in those two inputs, so moving forward now sprinting and we just hold it, without even needing to put in any more Sprint inputs, we will always automatically refresh tactical Sprint as and when it's available, so I'm moving around at technically the quickest possible speed we can have, but when I want to.

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I can now stop, and I can do a bit of walking backwards and forwards. I still have a bit of a long explanation, but you need to set this up like this if you want to win more gunfights while moving around quicker.

Improve mouse input drastically

Improve mouse input drastically

This next setting is going to be a really important one for those who are using a keyboard and mouse and are wanting to improve their aim because we've had a lot of complaints about coming up against controller players, aim assist, and all that, but the real bigger problem is just how the mouse input can feel in this game.


Sometimes it can just feel a little sluggish or a little bit like there's some sort of mouse acceleration where it doesn't feel, one to one, and luckily. Metaphor, over on Twitter he's a YouTuber streamer, kind of pro player in the game he put out a tweet talking about a config file change that you could can do which will actually improve your mouse input, quite a bit and I can definitely vouch for it that it has helped me so let me just quickly show you how you do it we're actually not going to be doing it in game we're going to be doing it in the config file outside the game so for you guys watching make sure your game's closed I've still got mine open because I've already set this up but if you don't have the game closed it's not going to work what you want to do is come to your documents folder so open up your Windows Explorer go to documents, then go to Call of Duty then open up players, and then inside of here you'll have a config file called options.

423, you might not have the dot CST bit at the end; that's the file extension, and you might not have file extensions showing. You want to right-click this and click edit, or you can go open and select Notepad. If Notepad is not showing here, you can click on more apps and scroll down. Essentially, you want to get to the point where this is opened up in your Notepad editor.


What you then want to do is press Ctrl F on your keyboard to open up the find dialogue, and you're going to search for Raw. Click Find Next, and you'll find this setting called Use Raw Mouse Input by default. This is what you would think is correctly set to true because raw input in pretty much every PC game gives you a better feeling of mouse input.

For whatever reason, it is not feeling good in this game, so what you want to do is actually change it to false. Once you've done that, you just need to click file and save or press CRL to make sure that is saved in the config. Reopen up your game, jump in the firing range, jump in a private match, jump in a plunder, and just see how it feels, honestly.

How to tell if your lobby is lagging (you should leave!)

How to tell if your lobby is lagging (you should leave!)

Telemetry you can then go in here and click on custom. Click Show More, and you can turn on a bunch of things here. The one that we care about as well as things like FPS and server latency, which are really good, is actually packet loss, this is the golden setting right now for knowing whether or not a server is worth staying in let me show you so now that we've jumped into a game we've got the Telemetry showing in the top left and we have an instant indication of whether or not this server is kind of screwed or not luckily for us the one we've just jumped into has 0% packet loss, which appears to be the thing that you can look at quickest and know whether things are going wrong if that's at anything above pretty much 0%.

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