News - Warzone: Rebirth Island Leaks, New Weapons, More Revealed


In today's article, we're going to be covering some new leaks that have just surfaced for Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone for seasons 3 and 4. Some new game files and strings after the season 2 reloaded update are finally here, usually with major updates like the new seasons and reloaded updates. Tons of new files and code get added that, of course, get data mined, and because of that, we have a ton of new content to cover.

Bell is turned on, so guys don't miss future uploads because you guys are not going to miss what I planned here on the channel now. Firstly, we have some new information regarding Rebirth Island. We have obviously talked about this quite a lot recently on the channel, but with new strings and lines of code referencing season 3 or Rebirth, another major thing that was leaked after the reloaded update was the new leaked loading screen, which you can go ahead and find on Twitter.

Hence, on the teaser that you guys can see on the screen right here, the specialist bonus perk package is on the red Tower of Rebirth. I'm all in for it because it kind of rewards you for going to a specific location on the map or even spending a ton of money to purchase it. This version of Specialist is going to be absolutely insane with all the perks that we currently have in War Zone 3 right now, like, for example.

modern warfare 3

Quick Fix Plus Tempered, which is going to be an absolutely crazy combination. On top of Mountaineer. Double Time, and Flex, overall. I'm just super excited to see how they make this work in season 3 and the absolutely amazing plays that people are going to be making with this perk package. We also have a ton of new weapons and gear leaked for Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone.

Now the first piece of gear is going to be for Modern Warfare 3, and this is going to be called the Ninja Gloves. I mean, we've already gotten a ton of Ninja material in Modern Warfare 3, for example, the covert sneakers, the ninja boots, and, of course, the ninja vest. Now the ninja gloves will most likely be another piece of gear to suppress your character's actions, but that's just a very quick assumption.

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Off of the past items that we have gotten in the game, up next is going to be the dauntless boots. We can't really make an assumption just yet about what these boots are going to be doing, but based on the name, they're most likely going to be a utility used for aggressive gunplay and pushing enemies.

modern warfare 3 leaks

Next, we're going to be moving on to the gear that is going to be making its way to the war zone in the near future, starting with the pistol vest, which sounds pretty self-explanatory. As we all know, if you are going to be on land or in water, you need to make a decision on whether you guys want to run a pistol for water combat and be weaker on land or if you guys would like to play with an SMG and be a free kill essentially in the water to those who prepare by using a core 45 or ftac.

Siege well, it looks like this vest is most likely going to give you guys the capability of stashing a pistol, which you guys will be able to use in the water in replacement of that base core 45 with no attachments, so that way you guys won't just be a free lick to other players in the water and you guys can actually still run around with an SMG and assault rifle on land, and then the final piece of gear is of course going to be the fully compression plate carrier vest, which is kind of a mouthful.

modern warfare 3 new content leaks

But we have actually been spotting this vest for some time on rebirth already, just by the name of the armor plate vest, and all that this vest basically does is increase the amount of plates that you can hold by a pretty substantial amount. We also have a few new weapon leaks making their way to us after the data mine in this season 2 reloaded update.

Now, firstly, the ARX. 160 assault rifle has been leaked for quite a bit now and still hasn't been added to the game, but it seems like it is going to finally be added to the game because it just recently got a name change, so the ARX. 160 is now going to be known as the SOA constrictor, meaning that it is a part of the same family as the recently added battle rifle that they just added in the season 2 reloaded update called the S SOA subverter.

modern warfare 3 rebirth island

This means that these two guns are going to have some shared attachments, like, for example, the Dozer 90 long barrel and many, many more. We also got a new leak for the April Fool's mode for War Zone, typically on April Fool's Day. Call of Duty likes to mess with multiplayer, names, and maps and make some wonky modes for war zones, like, for example, in Modern War for 2019 or War Zone 1, we saw the release of totally normal rebirth, which is a huge hit, and basically, what the mode did was it gave everyone load-out drops right off rip, had a higher player count, and gave all perks to every single player in the game, or as we talked about earlier, it gave every player in the game a specialist bonus.

modern warfare iii

The reason why this mode was a big hit was because one of the biggest things that people love about War Zone is, of course, the loadout drops, so the fact that you could get the loadout drops off rip was a huge thing for the community, and on top of that, the increase in player count and the time for Resurgence being lowered drastically in comparison to the normal mode made for a ton of new world records and crazy plays, which made this mode an absolute success, but that is besides the point; it looks like we're going to be seeing a return of something like this mode in season 2 or season 3, with a totally advanced resurgence.

Being the name found in the files, we will most likely see more details as the weeks go on, but right now it's pretty straightforward. Moving on to another leak that I was actually very shocked by is the fact that it was just now found out that aftermarket parts are going to be semi-integrated into some select Modern Warfare 2 Guns, more specifically, the Lockwood MK2, turning them into the Aikimbo model, 1887s.

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From the original 2009 Modern Warfare 2, this is a super interesting path to go, opening up the door for a lot of new weapons and a lot of new throwbacks. If this pattern continues to go on overall, I think that this is going to be really, really fun if they are absolutely broken. I personally love broken meta, so I'm all for it.


For yourselves, lastly, we got a ton of new operator leaks, like Snoop Dogg again making a return to Modern Warfare 3. Now you guys probably already know that we had Snoop Dogg probably up to about four times across all Call of Duty titles. First, we had Snoop Dogg as a voice pack for Call of Duty Ghost, then we saw him make a return in Vanguard or War Zone 1, and then, of course, he made a return last year in Modern Warfare 2, and he is now going to be making another debut in War Zone 3 or Modern Warfare 3.

WARZONE REBIRTH ISLAND Leaks, New Weapons, More Revealed! In todays video I show u guys REBIRTH ISLAND Leaks, New Weapons, More.
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