News - Warzone Pro Settings Guide. Sensitivity, Fov, More


The way Hybrid works is that you click your left stick and then simultaneously. Setting I want to briefly go over is make sure your world motion blur and your weapon motion blur are set to off and then make sure you put your film grain all the way down to zero there's so many times I've seen twitch streamers do clips, and they have weapon motion blur on and their regular motion blur on and then they have film green on and it just is so hard to see and lastly I think they added this last year but pretty much they made it to where your camera movement in first person and in third person is a thing and you can control it now so make sure to put that at its lowest setting which is set to 50%, so those are all the settings that I think you need to have but here are a couple bonuses that I think are really worth having on so the first one is grounded mantle.

This makes it to the point where you pretty much only have to tap your X once to mantle over something, as opposed to double tapping X, so this has its pros and cons. The pros are that you get to mantle things a lot faster than somebody who doesn't have this on, but the cons are that there's going to be a lot of times where you mantle things that you don't want to, and it gets you killed.

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If you can get used to this, it will provide an added benefit to your movement, but I will say it will get you killed sometimes, and that's why I have it on another one: parachute automatic behavior. Make sure to take this off. This makes it so that you can get as low to the ground as possible and pull your shoe, as opposed to the game automatically pulling the shot for you.


We call this the bot indicator, so if we see somebody who has this automatically on, we know we're in a bot lobby. Another big setting that I think everybody should have is prioritize and interact. This pretty much makes it so you don't have to hold your square whenever you're looting chests or reloading or picking weapons up off the ground; you just have to tap it once, and then in some instances where you need to reload but also pick stuff off the ground, you would hold your square to reload, but then tap square on the floor to pick up stuff off the ground.

warzone gameplay

I promise you, if you don't have this on, it will change your game completely. And what do you recommend anywhere in between? Again, make sure you don't play on too high of a sense, because that's the biggest thing that I feel stops the casual players from getting better. One thing I will say is that everybody's different and everybody's brain processes things differently, so don't go and just copy your favorite streamer settings, but know that there are some settings that players use that could be of benefit to you.

I would love to get into more tips and tricks from being on the scene for so long. I'll catch you guys in the next one. I hope you guys enjoyed

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