News - Warzone: New Close Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

close range meta

Ladies and gentlemen. We've seen some pretty significant updates to the Clos range meta here in War Zone recently, and so today I wanted to go through and break down all the best options you have for close range engagements and give you guys the best loadouts for them. We're starting off first, usually within the close-range meta.

I always like to include some sniper support options as well. I would say those two sort of, you know, cross over and overlap a little bit here, so the advancer, surprisingly. Good Sniper, supports the OP option here in War Zone, and as of right now, it's one of my favorites in the game too. I love the feel of this thing; it's aggressive for a rifle, relatively easy to use, and boy is it to get the job done, so initially here I got the spirit fire suppressor.

This is one of my favorite suppressors in terms of close-range velocity and control, but if you want even more control, you could also upgrade to the Jack BFB. As we know, this thing is pretty crazy sure you show up on the mini map as an advanced UAV dot, but in close range gunfights or sniper support style gunfights, that's not a huge deal, and not having elevation could almost be an advantage, so either of those is going to work really, really well.

close range meta 3

I've also got the FR 435. Barrel, which helps out with velocity and control, hurts your range a tad bit, but this thing's got really good range; that's not a huge deal-breaker by any means. At the end of the day, ruin Heavy support is one of my favorite underbarrels in the game because it directly attacks horizontal control, which obviously is the hardest to predict, so this makes your weapons a lot easier to use.

60-round extendag here, even for sniper support. I mean, 45 is sufficient, but this thing's got a decent fire rate. I like to have that safety net of 60, so I go ahead and run that, and then I'm not too huge on the I go for the MK3 reflector. For your basic ELO site, you could use a nidar, you could use a red dot, whatever you are most comfortable with here, always go for that, but yeah, the FR advancer is very good for Sniper support/, some close range style gunfights, and now of course the general close range meta is largely dominated by SMGs.

modern warfare 3

Basically, every single MW3. SMG right now is really good; for instance, insane mobility I love how fast, snappy, and aggressive this thing is. You can fly and fry with this thing. I find it to be pretty easy to use, so I just go for a basic shadow strike suppressor. In this case, this just simply keeps me off the radar, and that's it.


There are no other pros or cons. The Edge bw4 hand stop is solid; it goes all in on mobility and movement speed. Strife speed ads speed Sprinting to fire just makes this even more aggressive; it hurts your hips. ATT tad bit, but I'm focusing on ads, and where I'm the most accurate, you could go 40 or 50 round mag 50 is going to be a little bit slower both are sufficient just comes down to how much you care about those extra 10 bullets but there's really no wrong answer there if I'm being honest the vice assault rear grip is basically free control, it's only hurting your idol sway but in close-range gunfights that doesn't really matter whatsoever so you're getting some decent gun kick and horizontal and vertical control out of that and lastly I go for the tactical stock this helps out with mobility yet again with movement speed strafe speed and sprint to fire so like I said this thing flies and this thing fries.

Now, we just talked about it the other day, but the AMR 99's Buffs with season 1 reloaded made this thing absolutely a top-tier choice in the close-range meta, unfortunately. It's still the slowest SMG out of the bunch for run and gun styles; it's Sprint of Fire. Sucks, and you really got to focus on your upper body shots to make this thing truly great, but with this build in particular.

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I find it to be easy to use, and you get a decent sprint of fire stat back out of it so you can somewhat compete with those other SMG's mobility stats. So initially Shadow strike suppressor I don't want to obviously slow this thing down or hurt the control mower on it by using something else instead.


I'm opting for a skeletal vertical grip, which actually does help out with my control. A tad bit hurts your horizontal, but for close range, it's not a deal-breaker and gives me better ads. and Sprint to Fire, which is extra important; the 50-round mag I would not suggest 100 here; it's going to be way too slow, and the fire rate's not crazy, so 50 is absolutely going to work.

I don't love the irons here; I've kind of gone back and forth with them, admittedly. I've used them in some cases, but other times I've dropped them and gone for, you know, a laser sight or a rear grip even for some better control, like Phantom is actually really good as well for ads and Sprint of Fire, so you could swap that out if you wanted to, and that's a good choice, especially if you really want to focus in all on that Sprint of Fire stat.

warzone 3

Also, the buffer tube stock focusing on mobility gives you some insane benefits there, so this really speeds this thing up, makes it a lot more aggressive, and you get some versatility in exactly how you want to approach the build, but it is way better than it was before now. The WASP swarm did actually see a Nerf recently here that did affect largely its mid-range and its longer range.

It's close range; those first 10 MERS or so are still very good, so it's going to fry for that true close-range meta, but keep in mind that its versatility is going to be a bit more lacking. Compared to the pre-update, this setup is just a ton of fun to use. We got the Nidar Opticon here just to make you extra accurate.

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I feel like that's a super clean close-range gunfight, the one 100-round drum, so that you never have to worry about not having enough bullets to take somebody out. We do use the DR6 hands stop to speed us up since obviously some of that stuff, like the 100-round drum, does slow you down a little bit, so that helps bring that mobility back up there.

warzone 3 best loadout

I've got the Reckless 90-long barrel mainly for the range benefits here to give you the best damage range possible, with that faster ttk, obviously. Then lastly. Jack BFB, baby, all the control in the world for close range—that radar ping doesn't really matter all that much, and this thing allows you to be extra accurate and extra lethal with it, so it's a ton of fun to rock this setup.

It's a little bit slower, but it shreds still. Drop a like on it; it really does help the channel grow now. The Striker 9 really hasn't seen many updates since launch; it's just been a consistent option overall. Right now, this thing is pretty easy to use and has a decent ttk and some decent range as well, so you can kind of use it in some close range and even some mid-range fights for an SMG.

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