News - Warzone Mobile Season 3 Update. Fixes, Big Issues & Everything New. Huge Update

So yes, there are some improvements, but most of the big ones remain in the game, but I guess we can say at least they are taking a step in the right direction. Like we said in the previous article, it is improving, but it still has a very, very long way to go. Okay, now back to one lost content piece for season 3, and that is the new BP.


But I'm not going to discuss the whole thing, as then this article would be way too long. I would say it's a good BP, but I do prefer season 2's BP over this Snoop Dog, though this is probably my favorite part of the BP, especially his black cell version. So yeah, guys, that is a quick look at season 3, all new content, and for the most part, some fixes and issues that still exist in the game.

Have you tried it out? The game is fun when it works, but the problem is that it almost never works the way it should. So yeah, okay guys, that is going to be all for today's war on mobile update article. Give me your thoughts. Have a great day, and I'll catch you in the next.

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