News - Warzone Mobile Is Getting Serious Improvements

For those of you who play mobile games when you've only got a short break, rather than having the prolonged experience of a battle royale, which can sometimes be around 20 minutes, you'll get a more condensed format of that. All of this is looking really promising, and Waro Mobile is generally looking really exciting because of its support for controllers, its FOV support, and the fact that it supports various resolutions and frame rates.

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If they nail the execution of this or get the game into a highly optimized space, I can see it being super popular. The ability to just pull out a controller and play some War Zone Mobile, like a backbone controller, for example, is a really appealing idea. I think they've got something with buckets of potential in their hands, and it's really exciting to see where it could go.

We're going to be streaming War Zone Mobile when it releases on March 21st, so make sure you keep an eye out for that.

Today Call of Duty gave me exclusive access to information with Warzone Mobile, they have made some serious improvements to Warzone Mobile for its release that I can share with You Today.
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