News - Warzone: Full New Update Patch Notes & Gameplay Updates. Final Season 1 Update. Warzone 2 New Update

New mw3 update & warzne update now live!

New mw3 update & warzne update now live!

It is update day once again here in Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone, and today is actually the final main update we are going to see for season 1.

New gameplay updates & patch notes for mw3 & warzone

This time next week, season 2 is going to be live, and obviously that in and of itself is going to be a major update: new content across the board, gameplay updates, meta updates, all sorts of stuff like that, but as far as the final season , 1 update goes, we did see some new changes and even some new content go live today, so jumping in initially here, we do have a couple of new things to look out for in terms of sort of backend patch notes and other gameplay changes via the Cod Updates account and various other social channels for Call of Duty, so initially here.

modern warfare 3

Cod Updates posted saying a new update is scheduled for MW3. We've scheduled a fix for an issue preventing the Storm Ender launcher from properly inducing EMP effects on the following kill streaks: the cruise missile, the wheels on the OverWatch Hilo, the Vall Jet, and the chopper Gunner. I believe it was Ace who actually went through and tested all this and said: Hey, wait a minute, the update happens; they quote unquote fixed the storm ender, but then they broke it, and you can't use it on these streaks now, so the whole purpose of it being an anti-stitch gun kind of went out the window, but hey, that's going to be back now, like they say they do have that fix scheduled, so we could be seeing that go live today or in the coming days obviously, but that will be fixed for those of you who are actively using that storm ender in multiplayer and going for various challenges.

modern warfare 3 new update

With that, we also saw a slight update go live for ranked play this morning. Treyarch said a new update's going out for MW3, ranked play. In order to address a common issue, ranked play custom loadout 1 is going to reset for all players. We plan to reset custom loadout 1 tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning is now this morning because this was posted last night, so if you are actively playing ranked play, you're going to jump in and notice that your first custom loadout is going to be completely default there, so you're going to want to go through and make sure you rebuild that to whatever you're trying to use.

Take note of your current loadout and leverage custom mods in multiplayer to make the setup fast. Obviously, you can save that mod if you want, and then just have those ready to go whenever you need to edit a class on the fly. And then Sledgehammer, while this is not a direct confirmation of an update going out today, did finally acknowledge this, and it's been some time since someone tweeted at them, saying.

modern warfare 3 patch notes

Hey I did the daily challenges, the armory challenges, for my F556. It still says it's locked. Can we fix this because the armory has been bugged ever since season 1 reloaded? We talked about this a few days ago, saying, Hey, a lot of players are trying to go for these different weapons. I see comments about the tack eradicator, the F556, basically.

Any armory you unlock now can do all the challenges, but when you do all of them and it says you've completed three out of three or five out of five, it just doesn't end up unlocking, which is a huge problem. Obviously, players are just being locked out of content, but Sledge does say, Hey there, we're actively investigating this issue, so it is being looked into.

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They should have an update for this out soon, hopefully by season 2, since obviously we're going to see a lot more stuff added to the Armory because a lot of the weekly challenges that are going on once those you know get timed out and we no longer have them active, the rewards for those go into the Armory instead, so we definitely need to fix their.

modern warfare 3 update

ASAP now we did also see some official patch notes drop on the actual patch notes update page from Modern Warfare 3 and for zombies as well, so initially here for the Tuesday. January 31st update, they resolved an obstruction of the players view while aiming down sites on the pdsw, 528 blueprint. There were several different UIs and bug fixes here, along with some calling card stuff.

They also addressed an exploit that allowed you to equip camos on incompatible weapons, basically just switching those when they shouldn't be switched. They also corrected a gunsmith camera position when using the bolt attachment on the cat AMR. They also revised several attachment descriptions to more accurately reflect them, including the covia barrel and the hypm.

Also read:

Barrel The Bryson enforcer stocks the dart CB stock. The demo X50 tactical pump guard for the 6.8 wrath round noose ammo the WASP optic long barrel and the hiss of a short, light barrel The recoil reduction butt plate stocks the rattleback Dead Eye 16-in barrel and the Recon comb. They also improved the intuitiveness of the order in which weapon camo challenges are displayed, and they made some spawn updates on Underpass.

modern warfare iii

For souped up the super speed visual effects, now end upon death for weapons: the Vigilant, 30C, iron optic they resolved an issue where that would obstruct your view then also in ranked play they reset those custom loadouts as mentioned they also enabled kill cams there as well so pretty important with that then for zombies updates here they also included a few new changes for gameplay they addressed an issue that resulted in screen shaking for all players when a team was engaging in the doe bomb drone situation, for UI and ux they addressed an issue that allowed DMZ bonus effects to temporarily display in the zombies menu then also for progression here for the weekly challenges they addressed an issue with the get 300 kills the Jack Thunder lmg, not tracking when you had Juggernaut active they also address the description for the week a challenge where players needed to kill multiple Warlords.

Then, for camo challenges, they addressed the kills without reloading one that was bugged across the board and also added in various crash and stability fixes, as well as some pretty solid patch notes across the board for MP and zombies. We also got a couple of War Zone updates here, not nearly as many, and these were just over on the Cod Updates' Twitter account.

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They say they released a minor update to address the following: They fixed an issue with the Champions Quest guer counter when looting duffel bags. Then also some collision issues with the Champions Quest as well, so overall not too crazy there in terms of War Zone updates, and by the way, as we're going through all the changes and updates today, if you guys are new to the channel, every single day I get you covered with news updates.

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