News - Warzone 3 Best Controller Settings Season 1. Best Warzone Settings


My aim response curve type is actually dynamic, so there's like a little show more here. Aim response curve slope Just leave that at one, but you should definitely be playing on a dynamic as opposed to a standard or linear There's nothing inherently wrong with either of these other two sensitivities, but having basically that S curve when you're trying to aim is very beneficial, and the reason I say that is because when you think about it, the S curve kind of like is a giant s, so what it does is allow you to have that fine little flick movement without having to like crank your stick over, but when you start pulling over and you start getting over the hump in that s, it starts slowing down, so it doesn't allow you to super overcompensate.

And like start missing targets, missing shots, it's really nice, so it starts to slow you down, and I believe that is definitely the way to go for this setting, so I definitely recommend that now we're going to keep on going down here and close that tab right there. My ad-sensitiv multiplier is just 1.0.

modern warfare 3

I believe that's really all you need. Sensitive transition timing is going to be instant. You don't want this to be gradual; after Zoom, you just want to keep it instant. Custom sensitivity per zoom I know some people may like this. If I turn it off, there's no reason for me to adjust my sensitivity per Zoom.

I believe I can use any which site anything effective on any gun with my current settings, and I do not need to mess with anything. I believe that is kind of a waste of time, and you should be good with your general settings. I don't think you need to mess with that too much now. Let's keep on going down here, so this is where it gets a little bit fun, our target aim assist, so of course that's on anyone that tells you that an assist is this cheating, whatever like that.

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I mean, listen, this is a game setting. This is what the pro players use. We're all going to use it. You know what's in the game, so we have that on my assist type, which is Black Ops, so there's a default. Precision focusing in Black Ops Black Ops has been kind of traditionally known from MW2, War Zone 2, and into War Zone 3.

warzone 3

It's kind of been like the strongest sensitivity or the strongest assist type, so that's why I've been rocking it for a long time, and I definitely notice it being very strong. One of the other reasons I'll get called out for having sticky aim or something like that is because when you combine good settings with thumbs and like you know the proper aim assist settings, like your aim is going to be very, it's going to be very hard to start missing some shots, and of course we compile that with you know good builds for you know good weapons.

So definitely, definitely try out Black Ops. I don't think precision's. Good focusing is, I mean, maybe decent, but if you're going to go for anything, it should be either default or black ops, and that's about it. Ads aim to assist, of course, and then our third-person ad correction type is assist.

warzone 3 aim assist

And we're going to go on down here, and that's actually the last two settings right there. You don't really need to mess with any of that. Now let's move over to the gameplay category here, and we're going to go into this: automatic tax. Sprint; we just keep this on automatic tax. Sprint that's basically going to save your thumb sticks on your controller because you're not constantly mashing in that button; that's how you get more stick drift, so we're trying to elongate our controller's life, and there's no reason for you to continuously mashing that sprint button, so automatic attack Sprint is definitely a must-use set setting.

warzone 3 best settings

The only time it can be inhibitive is when you're using something like a shotgun, for instance, and you're trying to use something like the haymaker and you're trying to level that up. That was an issue I was running into. I was like. Okay. I'm going to have to probably toggle this off and manually Sprint just because it always wants to sprint, and it's really hard if you're using something like a single-shot shotgun, which isn't an issue, but for something like the Haymaker, a fully automatic shotgun, that'd be an issue, so just kind of keep that in mind.

Slide maintain Sprint, we're going to keep that going. Autom move forward is going to be off tactical. Sprint Behavior double tap gred mantle is off, all these three settings right here should be off, so this is what's going to help you kind of do your slide canceling, it's also what's going to really help you do is not mantle on anything, and just you know, have a stupid engagement when you're trying to have a gunfight, like the last thing you want to do is be able to like, for instance, this guy that's kind of a little behind my face cam there's like those concrete barricades right there imagine you're in your gunfight and you go to jump shot Well, if you go to jump shot and you have your automatic mantle on, well, if you're next to an object, whether it be someone you know next to you behind you or something like that, your character is going to try to mantle it, and that will obviously UNS.

warzone 3 controller

You cause you to start missing shots and probably die, so we're not trying to do that. The only reason we want to jump on objects is if we physically make the input to go jump onto the object with that intent, not randomly, so turn that off. Turn all three of these things off. You do not want it.

SL diet Behavior should be on tap to slide. You can make use of the slide caning and be able to slide and move around. I mean, it's not War Zone 2 anymore, you know, so we've got to be able to have a little bit more movement here, so tap to slide. Plunging underwat is just on trigger, parachute.

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Auto deploy it's whatever you want doesn't matter sprinting door bash on got to keep that on ledge clim behavior is on mantle only so just keep that right there and then combat behaviors we'll take a look at this real fast so aim science behavior is going to be on hold that's pretty standard don't need to change that change.

warzone 3 controller settings

Zoom optics: this is just on Sprint Tack Sprint Focus; that's all we have right there, and of course the equipment behaviors on hold weapon Mount activation ads Melee, and all the rest of the stuff down here, we're not going to kind of go too much into it, but actually I should probably change this over to prioritize interaction.

Some of my settings have been changing here as they've been doing playlist updates, but interact reload behavior is one of those things where you guys need to change this tap to reload, which is good for multiplayer. Getting those first shots off is pretty crucial, so have that on your armor plate behavior, which of course should be applied to all your ads.

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Today I go over the Warzone 3 Best Controller Settings in Season 1 of MW3 Warzone. These Best Controller Settings features the best Sensitivity, Deadzones, Controller Layouts, and much more.
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