News - Warzone 2's Ttk Is A Problem


Well, that was bad, but Warzone 2's meta might actually be worse. I found this old Reddit post that has all these old war zone one weapons with their time to kills in this chart here, and the gun that is included in this chart is actually the DMR before it got nerfed, so obviously we don't care about all these other guns in the chart at the moment this article is about the DMR in Warzone 2's ttk, so let's search for the DMR and we got these three different options, and the DMR with rapid fire was the fastest time to kill version of the DMR back when we used to use it, but it is absolutely broken now; if we look at the chest shot time to kill here, it is 580 milliseconds now, when we go over to Sim.

GG, which is a website that data mines Call of Duty games and provides us with the timely kills in the game and other in depth stats. we have the rpk and the tech V here and as you can see the RPG K has a 600 millisecond ttk here up to 25 meters and the tacv has a 525, millisecond ttk so the tech V when only hitting chest shots is actually killing faster than the DMR ever was when it was extremely broken and the rpk is only killing 20 milliseconds, slower than the DMR ever was now keep in mind this is only up to 37 meters here and once you do get past 37 meters the time to kill does start to jump up but even at long range here at 46 meters plus their time to kill is still very fast, now if we go back over to the dmr's time to kill chart here we can see that if you're only hitting headshots the time to kill is 290.


Millisecond if we go back over to sim. Gg, and we change it to only hitting headshots here with the TAC being rpk we can see that it is 400 milliseconds time to kill with the rpk and then 315, milliseconds time to kill with the attack V here up to 30 4 meters and then again it does go up so it's not quite as broken as the DMR ever was but it is very close remember that the Mac 10 here was also super broken around the same time that the DMR was super broken and if we look at the Mac 10s time to kill here to the chest it is 612.

dmr ttk

Milliseconds, now if we go over to the SMG meta for Warzone 2 we have the lochman sub and we have the fennec 45 and, up to eight meters these are their time to kills the lochman sub at 525. Milliseconds in the fennec at 495. Milliseconds, both are substantially, faster to kill than the mach 10 was when it was absolutely, broken now past eight meters here the lochman sub does start to fall off and the time to kill is a bit slower than the Mac 10 was back then but the FANUC continues to have a super broken time to kill and then it starts to fall off here at 13 meters but even at 13 meters it's got basically the same time to kill that the mach 10 did and realistically, you're not really using any smg's past 13 meters anyway now if we go back over to the time to kill chart for the Mac 10 here if you're hitting all headshots it was a 544.

Millisecond time to kill and if we go back over to sim. Gg, and change it to only headshots we have a 375. Millisecond time to kill and at 275, millisecond time to kill for the fennec and then obviously it does get a little slower here my point is that the meta in war zone 2 is. much more broken than it was in the war zone, and there is undeniable proof.

Also read:

Right here, that The meta is more broken, and you're going to die much quicker in this game than you did in War Zone 1. The most broken gun ever was in Warzone 1, so something needs to be done: either the time to kill needs to be raised across the board in Warzone 2, or these guns just need to be nerfed.

pre nerf dmr

But if that were to happen, it would probably happen when the season 2 update comes out, which is supposed to be on February 1st, but it has been data mined here according to Charlie Intel that the season has been delayed and is probably not going to be coming out until February 15th. In my opinion, the time to kill is just way too fast, and this is one of my biggest issues with the game.

If the time to kill was slowed down a bit. I do think I would enjoy the game a lot more, but at the current state that it's in.

Also read:
When comparing the DMR pre nerf to Warzone 2's meta, I found a HUGE problem.
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