News - Warzone 2's "new" Top 5 Best Guns To Use After Season 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

Best mcw class setup mw3

Best mcw class setup mw3

best guns mw3

And that is the purifier, muzzle break now this can help with horizontal recoil control and firing aiming stability again making this weapon more stable really easy to control and you're just going to get easy kills with this build now for our third weapon guys we have the MCW, which is still one of the best weapons here in the game even though it got a little Nerf here in today's update from its handling now for my build it's still the same kind of as what I use usually but I changed two attachments now for my first attachment guys we're going to go to the rear grip I'm going to be adding on the RB claw PSL grip we're getting firing aiming stability which is probably the most important on this attachment, but it's a bonus here we're getting some gun kit control and recal control making the weapon more calm you're going to be better accurate at any range really so you're going to be hitting your shots being more accurate getting your accurate kills and that's what we want so we are going to be adding this on for our first attachment.

Now for the optic: this is a new optic I've used for my MCW. Just because I don't really like the slate reflector on it, if you like to use a slate reflector, go ahead and add it on. I know it's popular on the MCW. But for me, I'm going to be adding the MK3 reflector. Now there are some guns in this game that I have to use an MK3 reflector on: the bass B, the sidewinder, the MTZ 762, this weapon, and a lot of others.

cod mw3 best class

I don't know what it is, but I just feel more consistent when I have the MK3 reflector on the MCW. If I'm playing pubs if I'm playing rank play it really doesn't matter if I have the MK3 reflector on I feel more consistent in my shots in my kills so we're going be adding this on for our second attachment here, now for the barrel this is a new attachment that you want to start running here now I know most people run the Cyclone Barrel just because you know people in the Pro players use it most people use it in rank play but there's actually a better Barrel to use instead of the Cyclone which is the midnight Barrel now it's going to help with bull velocity and range you're getting movement speed aim downside speed and aiming out of sway now the only thing that the Cyclone Barrel has on this weapon is just a little bit more bull velocity by 8%, nothing too crazy but with this Barrel we are getting more damage range as you guys see here we're getting a 20% increase instead of a 15%.

We're also getting mobility increase and aim down sight speed increase so we could be a little bit more aggressive have that run and Gun SMG play style if you're playing pubs or in rank play it doesn't matter you're going to be able to move fast around the map hit your people hard like a truck take your gunfights through longer ranges and have a faster time to kill you can't really beat that at all so we are going to be adding this on for our next attachment.

modern warfare 3

Now for the muzzle, what I'm going to be adding on is that we're going to go over here until we reach the breaks here, and we're going to be adding on the t-51. R Abed break now we're going to get a lot more vertical recoil control firing aiming stability and gun kick control, now the damage range is going to go down a little bit here which is okay our weapon is more stable, and it really doesn't matter if you're being accurate you're hitting your shots you're really not going to notice the 5% incre or decrease, in our damage range or bull velocity you're not going to notice so make sure to have on the bited break and then for my final attachment guys we are going to the under barrel and for my attachment this time we're going to be adding on the ftac MSP 98 hand stop grip for faster aim walking movement speed a little bit more recoil control and gunky control and movement speed to help us be a little bit more aggressive, now for our next weapon in today's article guys we have the striker now I'm excited about this one just because it did get a good buff here in the season 2 update, kind of making it how it used to be in the beta if you remember it was really good it was the best weapon a crazy fast time to kill it was better than the ACR.

Best striker class setup mw3

Best striker class setup mw3

And at any range, it melted people, and that's what this update did; it kind of reverted it back to that, so the striker may be a runner-up for a meta; it's always been a good SMG, but it's definitely better than it was prior to this update, so for this class. The first thing I'm going to work on is the optics.

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I'm going to be adding the slate reflector, like I said with the MCW. There are just certain optics I have to use for different weapons, and the slate reflector is 100% going to the striker. I like using this a lot, so we are going to be adding it on for our first attachment again. Like I said, add on your favorite optic, which mine is a slate reflector on the striker, so we're going to go ahead and throw this on here.

modern warfare 3 best class

Now for the stock, we're going to be adding the RB assault stock. Now this will help with gun kick control, aim down, speed firing, aiming stability, and recoil control. Again, just making the weapon more calm makes it really easy to use at those longer ranges. We're going to hit our shots more accurately and get those guaranteed kills.

That's what we want, so we're going to go ahead and throw this on here. Now for the magazine, we're going to go ahead and add on the 48-round mag since this weapon has high handling and mobility. You know, I don't want to hurt it too much if I look at the 60 here; as you see, I'm getting a pretty good chunk taken away out of that mobility.

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I don't want that if it was like handling. I would use it, but if I'm not running, like no stalk or anything, I won't be running the 60-round drum, so we're going to stick with the 48-round mag. With this weapon having a slow fire rate and its damage range buff, you know we have a faster time to kill; we're not going to be reloading as much, so it's not going to hurt our movement speed or anything like that, so we're going to add on the 48-round mag.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

Now instead of using a barrel for this build I'm going to go with the ammunition type and add on the high grain rounds we're going to increase that damage range we're going to increase that bull velocity give it an even faster time to kill, and it's not going to hurt the weapon as much besides a little bit of recoil control, nothing too much nothing too crazy the stock and our next attachment is going to help out a lot so again we're having a faster time to kill longer ranges traveling further hitting harder, traveling faster it's really good and we don't have to run a barrel if we're running the high grain round so we are going to be adding this on, and then for my final attachment guys we are going to the under barrel and what's going to kind of help you know gain back our recoil control is going to be the Brewing heavy support grip now we're getting some aiming Auto sway here gun kick control horizontal recal control and firing aiming stability, again just making the weapon more safe, which I'm more concerned about cuz I have good control of my weapons anyway.

Best Class Setups Modern Warfare 3 Best Class setups Mw3 Modern Warfare 3 best Class Setups.
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