News - Warzone 2. 0: Top 5 Best Class Setups For Low Recoil (warzone 2. 0 Best Weapons & Tunes)

best class setups modern warfare 2

Can be difficult, but luckily for you guys, I have a few different setups that make it really easy. Then, we're going to take these into a private match and shoot them against the wall just so you guys can see how easy the recoil pattern is to control now before we jump into the first gun, the class setup, the tunes, and stuff like that, just in case you guys don't have certain attachments.

I'm going to give you guys some backups that you can use. So starting off, let's talk about the optic really quick. With this optic, I prefer it on all of my long-range guns. It has a smaller magnification, so it looks like you have less visual recoil.

Forge tac delta 4

Forge tac delta 4

Now moving on to the Commando 4 grip.

Phase-3 grip

It'll be the phase three grip right here, and the weapon tool will still be the same thing. Just copy the weapon tuning as well. The next best one, if you don't have this one, would be the Corona OP44. And before we actually move on to the next weapon, let me show you guys rear-group weapon tuning.

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Just copy this exactly if you want to use the HDR. The next step that we have is the RPK, which is surprising. For the AK platform, this literally does not move that much. This build is going to be similar to the one I just showed you for the HDR since they're both lmgs, so once again copy this build and the weapon tunes, and let's move on to the next one.

The next one is the TAC 56. This is like, overall, the best AR in the game right now.

40 round mag

40 round mag

Me personally, I just like having more bullets in my gun, so moving on from the TAC 56, what we have is the Lochman 556. With this gun, you have the option to change the 40-round magazine to the 60-round one if you want to do that. You can also change the optic, which is pretty much up to you, but I would say keep the other three attachments the same and the weapon tunes, and, now lastly, we have the easiest gun to control in.

I mean, the game's pretty obvious, and Warzone is one of them. Here, use the optic and the 60-round magazine just because, trust me, you'll need them. So now, let's jump into a private match. Let's shoot a wall. Let me show you the recoil patterns. All right, so we're going to shoot a wall at 15 meters without me controlling the recoil, and we're just going to take a look at what it looks like.

best class setups mw2

And also keep in mind that these are some of the best recoil patterns in the game right now, Warzone. 2 The recoil is ridiculous on most of these guns, but you see this one has pretty much vertical recoil, and the shot places are pretty much grouped together, so it's going to be that much easier to control.

Next up, we have the RPK. Now obviously, I'm not going to shoot the whole 75-round drum; we're going to go down to like 40 or 30. Maybe this one has a little bit less vertical recoil, but it does have a little bit more horizontal, just barely, but once again the shot placements are closely grouped together, which is a good thing all right.

Next up, we have the TAC 56. This is what I said was one of the best ARS in the game, so this one is pretty much vertical, and then it does veer off after what feels like 30 bullets, but once again, this is super easy to manage. The next thing up that we have right here is a Lockment 556. This is what I think is the easiest gun to use in the game; I've been using it non-stop since it came out, and I just like it that much better.

best guns 2

So if I had to rate these ones from one to five, it'd pretty much be how you see it right here. I would say M13, the Lochman 556, Tac, and then the HDR.

Warzone 2. 0 Top 5 BEST Class SETUPS for LOW RECOIL Warzone 2. 0 Best Weapons Tunes. Watch Me LIVE.
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