News - Warzone 2 Zombies Using Both Dark Aether Rifts Season 2 Reloaded. Solo Strat


We ended up getting an ether blade case, and then we got those dog bone schematics, and I'm also going to pocket those selfes. Just you know for the hell of it so now we're going to make our way over and start our ether extractor contract, now this should be the easiest contract for us to get done in here especially if we brought in plenty of monkey bombs or decoys or whatever you need to get these done we got three monkey bombs and then we also are rocking that ether shroud so if we had to use that we could use that as well personally for me it's the hardest part of doing these contracts is usually it's not actually blowing up The Ether extractors, it's usually just getting from one to the other if you don't have the scorcher if you have the scorcher it's really easy but sometimes especially when you're going to be on foot it's going to be like when you're coming up through those staircases, you're going to have like a lot of zombies blocking your way and stuff so just make sure that you got something powerful like that ether blade would really help you guys out a lot or hell like using this flamethrower.


Before they nail it, this is the path that I usually like to take. I like to climb to the top here and then, so that way I can just jump over to the other door and then go up that way. Also i did want to point this out too: if you find yourself in the dark ether and if you don't have a sres or anything, and if you see these little boxes, they're usually going to have two things in them; they're going to have plates or self-revivals in them, so definitely be checking these, yeah, like, look at all these zombies that are trying to block the hallway from me right now and this flamethrower just takes care of them; no problem going to get our first one done here now, me personally.


I do like to bring in either monkey bombs or those cashmir grenades when I'm doing this contract, just because when we're coming in here in the Elder, there's going to be a lot of zombies in here now, especially after the season 2 reloaded update or even just season 2. I'm sorry, I've been so used to saying season 2 reloaded the last couple of days.

Yeah, the dark ether was majorly buffed at the start of season 2, and this is way tougher than it used to be. To be honest, I used to find the dark ether pretty much like a complete cakewalk. Before and then, now that they've buffed it up quite a bit, it's definitely a little bit of a challenge. I do have to say, especially if you don't have some of the best stuff in the game to kind of help you guys out while you're in here, like that golden armor or maybe an ether blade or just like P3 stuff, coming in here can definitely get pretty difficult.

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Look at that: after getting this ether extractor done, not only did we end up getting the golden armor schematics, but we also got that golden armor acquisition. So we're definitely going to be taking those, plus we got another Elder sigil, so we can either come back in here or go into the new, so let's jump down here and grab our very last contract.


Little guy sitting in the bus here and this is going to start our holdout Mission, and I am just praying right now that we don't get the mega Abomination, trying to come in here and ruin our fun not that he would be too difficult for me to take out but the problem is that when we're doing this hold out Mission, sometimes there's going to be a lot of zombies that are in here and when you're trying to defeat a Mangler you could just be getting over swarmed and stuff so that might not be too fun for us go to start this p& D really quick and then just opening up and taking a quick peek in our bag and look at all the good loot that we got already we got the golden armor We Got The Ether blade we got the dog bone schematics.


Two refined crystals, a scorcher case, plus that golden armor, and another elder. I'm more than happy with this run already and we're not even done yet we still got to complete this contract of course the flame thrower in here completely held its own but the problem is that I wish that tank was just slightly bigger but the RAM 7 definitely did decent in here as well plus we ended up switching off to the vr11, a little bit just to turn some of them zombies and create some decoys from us just kind of get them off of us a little bit also the cool thing too about the flamethrower is that if you have an ammo Mod on your weapon as well like that's also going to work when you're using the flamethrower, like I noticed when I was using it I was turning zombies, cuz I had brain rod on I just thought that was pretty cool luckily we've had no mega Abomination, trying to come in here now usually I would honestly recommend that you guys bring in like a couple of sentury guns to set up in here or at least one to kind of help you out but with how powerful that the flamethrower.


Is right now, plus. I had a Pap 3 on my vr11. I was just plenty confident being in here, and I'd say if you guys are as well, like if you have a good footing in zombies. I should say you guys would be perfectly fine doing this, but if you guys don't feel comfortable running solo, whenever you spawn into a match of Modern Warfare zombies and if you want to go into the dark ether or something, ask in chat if there's somebody that's willing to go do it with you, and I guarantee you somebody will probably say yes, but do I think that coming in here is still worth it 100%?

I absolutely think that with the rewards that you can get out of this dark ether, you have a better chance of making those better acquisitions. But I do have to say that if you're going into the new dark ether, you have a chance of getting anything, so it's honestly kind of a give and take like if you go into the new dark ether, you do have a chance of getting things like ether blades and golden armor plates, but it's less likely.


And you can get the other new stuff as well where coming in here I just kind of feel like you're going to be getting these older ones and that's okay too cuz these ones are incredibly powerful we ended up getting that holdout Mission done and some pretty good loot out of the this one as well we ended up with a dog bone another Elder sigil, plus we got those ether blade plans and it just looks nice to see all three of those schematics sitting in the bag at once now that we got these three contracts done and we got all the schematics, and I don't care about any more Wonder Weapons we already got Wonder in this run and I got enough in my stash so we're going to go ahead and drop down in here and take this portal and go to our xville.

Not a bad run at all, guys. I'm definitely happy that I came back in here, especially after so many runs in the new dark ether. I appreciate everybody who checked out the article today. If you enjoyed it or found it all informative, please consider dropping me a like. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next.

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Today we go back into the old Dark Aether to get those classified schematics and rare loot. I appreciate the support! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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