News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Gun Shreds Everything. Super Overpowered Gun Build

A laser attack is coming in. Beautiful, two of his faces have been destroyed. Let's move over here. A mangler is coming in too. Beautiful, let's move her to this side. Drop our energy, mine, very nice; it's going to take out the zombies on this side. Beautiful, let's move over here and make sure that Mega doesn't go too far from his spawn point.

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There we go with that blade again. Dang left to back up. Nice let's take this guy out there. We go keep hitting those shots on the mega. Can we finish him? And we did kill the mega. Quick and easy. See what he dropped for us? I did not see anything special on the ground. All right, I got this mangler here; let's take that guy out real quick.

We might go down here; we'll have to back up there; we go get some plates on; let's take that nuke; and actually, there we go. That can kill the disciple almost, nice, and I'm pretty sure okay. The mangler is almost dead there. We are beautiful. There is some good action right there, and this gun is shredding everything.

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Quickly buy those Casmirs, and let's buy an extra one. Why not there we go, beautiful. Let's make our way over to the. Yeah, so the recoil ain't too bad either; as you can see, even at that distance, I'm able to control it. Let's get that. Reload is very nice. Mega Abomination is about halfway dead.

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Let's keep hitting those shots. Zombies are going to start throwing their meat. There we go. Set those critical points again. Beautiful, he's got less than a quarter of his health bar left. Let's get that reloaded. That's probably the last laser attack we'll need to get the kill. Maybe we missed out on a few critical points there, but it's all good.

There we go. I got the kill. Very nice i had no issues taking that guy out. He dropped a raw crystal for us, which I'll leave on the ground. We don't need that. We have that disciple right here. See how quickly we can kill that guy. Quickly drop an energy mine that's going to take out some of these zombies he spawned.

Focus on this guy. Shoot his arm. If we can, there we go. It's about halfway dead; less than a quarter of his heal bar is left, and there we go. Dang, we got surrounded right there. All good we have an extra self-revive, so once you take out these bosses normally, if you're just going for the schematics, don't do that.

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I'm just doing it to show how good the guns are, but just run along this road here over to the ammo depot building up ahead. And as you can see, there's a mega-abomination right there, a bunch of zombies, and there's probably a mangler back there too or a mimic, so just do a bit of Parkour to get up here; that's going to help you avoid all the zombies lower down.

For some reason, it won't let me climb the ladder. okay, all good, all good. Let's see if it works now. There we go. Now it works. I guess I couldn't climb it because that zombie was right behind us anyway. Once you get the contract, jump over to the side of the building. That's going to help you avoid the mega-abomination, and most of the zombies are back there.

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The first extractor is going to be right over here, so just make your way up this ZIP. Once you get up there, there's going to be a bunch of zombies, as you can see, and also one or two elites, so just throw down your Casmir; that's going to take care of all the zombies and the elites, so just deactivate that, and there we go.

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There's one extractor disabled, and then just run along this wall, go past this wooden bridge, and once you get to this point here, you can throw Casmir at that wall up there that's going to bounce off and land right over at the extractor and kill all the zombies up there, so we can just run up here and disable the extractor, quicken easy, then just equip your extra Casmir.

Run over to this side over here, get up this ladder, and once you're on this wall, you can throw Casmir right at the extractor. That's going to bounce off and get rid of all the zombies back here, and once again, we can just disable the extractor. Quick and easy. No, it glitched out on us. It's all good, though we'll quickly have to do it the old-fashioned way.

There we go. Just kill all the zombies and then disable the extractor. Very nice let's wait for that to blow up. There we go; the contract is complete. Let's check out our rewards. We got a dog bone, which I'll take to self-revive an elder sigil. We pretty much don't need anything else from that; once you complete that contract, jump over to these stairs, get over this wall here, and this is where you find that green bus.

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Over at the green bus, you'll have the Outlast contract, as you can see. Just pick that up; that's going to Ping the P&D for the area, so just run into this corner back here. Take the zip in the corner, let's take these zombies out there, and we go. You pass these wooden doors and take a left right here, then get the P&A activated, and this contract is probably the easiest one in the Tier 5 Zone.

All you do is stay in this room, keep running in circles, and stay alive. If you have extra Casmir, be sure to use them; they're definitely going to make this contract a lot easier. The ether blade definitely helps out as well. Yeah, that's pretty much it. And there we go, contract complete. Once that finishes, it's going to kill most of the zombies, so let's see what we get in here: dog bones.

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I'll take the dog bone plans that we don't need. And yeah, that's pretty much it, so yeah, we definitely got some juicy loot here in the Elder Dark Eternity today. We had a lot of fun using the HCR. I definitely love this thing; it gets a solid 10 out of 10 rating for me. I definitely love this bad boy.

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I mean, just look at the damage output, and you can basically just shoot forever; you have an insane amount of ammo. Damage output is great; it's great for elite zombies, great for Bounty contracts, great for groups of zombies, just overall a great gun. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night, wherever in the world you are.

And as always,

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