News - Warzone 2 Zombies. Season 2 Reloaded Easter Egg Guide. Schematics & Tombstone Duplication Glitch

Now, where you're going to escort this next is to a building. Now keep in mind that my game actually glitched out here. You can see there's no floor, but where you're going to end up next is this building, and it's essentially an infestation. You got to kill spores just like you do in regular zombies.

This is kind of like recycled content, in my opinion, but we won't talk about that today. But anyway, you're in this infestation, and you just want to go around and get sports, and in my opinion, the best way to do this is to clear it floor by floor, take the edges, and go all around in a circle. I actually didn't do that, and it took me forever to find that last one that was ducked away, so just make sure that you're checking all of your corners while you're doing this.


Now, once you've done that, you can go back to escorting. You just simply want to jump back on the ATV. It'll say that it's going to escort you to the next site, and you are going to get to the end here. So the last thing that you're going to do, and this is the end of the entire mission, is that you're going to activate this Outlast contract.

Now, in my opinion, this is the hardest part of this level. It's not that hard; you just need to be good at it. You know, doing an Outlast contract means you cannot be in the air. By the way. I just shot my scorcher up and saw if you could, you know, cheese it, and just stayed up in the air, but once you actually finish that Outlast contract, you're going to get the final boss.

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Now, getting the final boss is really, really easy. But what you need to do is just keep running away from him. You can see he's charging me just like a regular guy, a regular monster if you will, or a special zombie, so what you want to do is just run away, and I suggest shooting him with the scorcher if you have one.


This is why the scorcher is the best gun in the game. You can fly around the map, do the flying glitch and everything like that, and kill monsters super easily if it's Pack-a-Punch, but what your reward is going to be is the fourth item, and it's also going to be gold, so it's already upgraded. Now you're going to have to upgrade the other three items, but we're going to go through that in a second here for the tutorial.

However, at this point, you can actually leave the ether, and you are good to go. It's very easy to actually do this mission once you have honed all of that down, so if you need to save it, just make sure you do the tombstone duplication glitch along with it to actually duplicate those items for your friends.

Upgrading items

Upgrading items

So the next thing we're going to do is we're going to upgrade these items now it's super important that you do this in the correct order because it takes a while to travel along the map for most people so I highly suggest you do it in the order that I do it here, so the first thing we're going to do is you're going to go to the Zar van suburbs, however you pronounce it and you know where this boxing ring is so go ahead and find it and make sure that you have all four items on you, now if you stand in the middle of the ring and hold the Ed button you're actually going to spawn this little Easter egg sequence.

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And once you've done that, you want to make sure that you knife all three of those bags in that order left to right, and you'll get this zombie that you just need to knife kill, and that's as easy as it goes, so just make sure you have the MMA gloves for that, and then the next step that we're going to do is we're going to go over to the right here.


Now you may have noticed this is the area where that Easter egg bypass used to be, where you could go into the cave and steal the loot. This is that same exact area, so just make your way over there, and you're going to find this little Target Arena. So what you want to make sure at this shooting range is that when you activate it right there, you go around and you're going to shoot all these targets.


Now they don't move from where they're at. As far as I can tell, I've seen other articles, and it's super easy to do, so what you want to do is just run around, find all the targets, and make sure that you shoot them. Now once you've done that you're going to have this zombie spawn now to my understanding you need to shoot the zombie in the head now it still took me a while because I don't have an upgraded weapon it's clearly not a level one zombie it says that it's level one but I think it's just cuz you're in the tier one zone but what I did was I shot at with my scorcher a little bit in the head again make sure you shoot him in the head so you get those criticals and he dies faster, pretty sure that's the only way he takes damage like I said and what's going to happen is you are going to get the gold Target, so once you finish that sequence that is two out of four of the items but technically speaking we actually have three out of four done cuz Again, by finishing the mission, you get one gold item for free, so what you're going to want to do is go over to the graveyard for the last sequence, this Easter egg.

Now, once you've made it here, go to the front of the graveyard, and you're going to look for this particular grave over here on the left. Now, this is going to be similar to that in Circle One. All right, it's the same thing as when you were in the fog; you were going to need to shoot a particular zombie with a particular ammo mod, so go ahead and offer, and you can see there I had a zombie spawn; he's clearly going to need to be killed with Napal.

dark aether

You want to go up here, and you'll see the offerings again, and what you want to do is go ahead and grab the one that signifies your zombie or zombies. I've seen in other articles that some people have gotten multiple zombies for whatever reason. Guys, I had one zombie, so all I had to do was kill him with Napal.

It was very easy to do again, and once he died from the actual special effect, I didn't even have to shoot him anymore. I grabbed some ammo and made my way back over to the area, and I noticed on the ground, Here is the mirror. Now you actually have all four items, so now you can actually complete this entire sequence and you will be able to unlock the dark ether, so let me show you how you actually do that.

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