News - Warzone 2 Zombies: Red Worm Fight Complete Guide

Before I cover what weapons I took, you'll notice two other major things in my inventory. Number one is the dog bone plan on calling that in as soon as we got to the fight, so once again, if something goes down, the dog can actually revive that, plus it helps keep some of the other zombies off you whenever you're trying to fight the worm.

The other thing I brought in my loadout that I hadn't mentioned yet was the experimental gas grenades, or the gas grenades, as my tactical. I was already hitting ammo boxes to refill ammo, and then I'll refill my tacticals. I was able to throw these at the worm and just do extra damage during the fight.



Now let's talk about the weapons I took. Initially, I planned on taking the crossbow with the thermite bolts and then also a ray gun. Whenever I equip the crossbow. I equip the base version and don't have any attachments, so that thing was basically useless in its current form, so I dropped it, went to a mystery box to get something else, and then when I was running around the Red Zone with the ray gun.

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I had the ray gun at pack three, and I still couldn't even one shot the enemies in Red, so I kind of realized this wasn't really what I was looking for, so I ended up dropping in as well. I spent probably 10 minutes at a mystery box—well, actually two different mystery boxes, because it moved halfway through—just trying to get something useful I could use.

cod zombies red worm

What I ended up with was the DG58. LSW It's an LMG, and it's one of my absolute favorite guns for zombies. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it, and then, secondly, a scorcher. The scorcher wasn't really that helpful in the actual fight, but it did help me get around the map early when I was actually trying to find things and just move around more quickly.

Now that I had my weapons and my inventory set, I made sure both weapons were pack-a-punch three. We had about 5 minutes before the storm started moving, so we started to regroup and move to the fighting location. I even found time to be somebody's real hero along the way. Now tell me if nothing else deserves a like.

Come fight the world.

Starting the fight

Starting the fight

I five When you get to the fight location, you'll see four little towers, or pods, called refractors. They look just like the ether extractors from that contract, and they're labeled Alpha Bravoo. Charlie and Delta What you could do with these when the storm reaches you and they actually enter the storm or the gas is that one USB goes into each of the towers, and that's what starts the fight.

Once you put all four USBs in, you have between 2 and 2 and 1/2 minutes before the worm actually comes out and the fight actually begins, but you will have some smaller zombies come out in the meantime. Now that the fight's about to begin, there are a couple things you can clearly see from this footage.

cod zombies red worm guide

Number one, there's a ton of people here to fight it. The way it works is that as long as you do damage to the worm, you will get credit, and you will get the reward. Rift, so that's huge. You don't even have to be a six-man team, or you don't even have to add extra people to your team. We didn't; we thought it was harder, you know, to try and keep track of where our teammates were, so we just stayed as a three-man team.

The second thing I mentioned is that I brought in four sentry guns for this fight, and you'll notice how many people put their sentry guns down way too early. Sentry guns only have a certain amount of life before they're actually usable. So what I did was actually wait for the worm to come out before I started putting my sentry guns down just to maximize their use I got out of them during the fight.

Worm attack styles

The worm has three major attacks, and the first one is purple orbs that fly around in the sky if you've done act four and completed that fight. These are basically the same, except they hit way harder. As soon as you or your teammates see them come out, make sure you call them out and take them down immediately because they can do a lot of damage and make things go from bad to worse very quickly.

cod zombies red worm tips

The second attack is similar to Act 4 in that the worm will actually try and eat you, and when it does, expect to take damage, and then also spam your parachute button because the worm spits you out high enough that you will fall and knock yourself. The third attack is a white laser beam that reminds me of the Abominations in the Red Zone, but it hits a lot harder.

If you actually keep some pretty good distance, like 30 to 40 meters from the worm, you usually don't even have to worry about this one. The other thing I'll mention about the worm is that it has a ton of health benefits for us. The fight took about 8 minutes, and that was with about 12 people, so expect this to be a long fight.

More fight tips

More fight tips

Now that we've covered how the worm fights, let's actually talk about other things you have to worry about. The first one obviously being that you're in the storm, and I said buy a durable gas mask earlier.

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One thing you probably didn't know, and I mentioned why those ammo caches are so important, is that if you actually hit the ammo caches when your gas mask is low, it actually refills. Your gas mask—something I never knew until this fight is that is huge, something to keep in mind and make sure your teammates know as well.

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The second thing you need to worry about during this fight is that other zombies do come out of the ground or come out of the area and will try to attack you because we had so many people there for our fight. We actually had a ton of extra zombies; we had several Abominations, several mimics, several disciples, and several manglers all at once.

In addition to probably 50 normal zombies all running around, it was just pure chaos, but it was so much.


cod zombies tips

Once the worm dies, it will produce a reward rift in the middle of the fighting area, and it also produces a rift for an instant successful Xville.

COMPLETE GUIDE to fight the Red Worm Greylorm in MW3 Zombies! I enjoy helping the community improve their gaming skills, from creating loadouts to winning more games and achieving higher kill counts. If you appreciated this Warzone 2 Tips and Tricks content, please let me know in the comments.
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