News - Warzone 2 Zombies: How To Beat Act 4 Solo (easy Guide)

act 4 easy guide

Ladies and gentlemen. I did it. I actually did it. I beat Act 4. I went into the Ether Portal. I went in there and took out all the sigils. Then I went and fought the big worm, and I did it solo. I did it all alone, with no help from anyone, all by myself, and let me tell you, it was not easy.

It took several attempts and a very particular strategy that I'm going to show you in this article, but I did it. It's a full walk-through of how I did everything. This is going to be more of a guide as to how you can act for yourself in a very easy way. I don't know if you call it cheese, and I don't know if you call it a really good strategy, but what I'm telling you is that anyone can do this; it just takes a little bit of know-how, a little bit of preparation, and a little bit of execution.

And you can beat Act for Solo without anyone on your team. Now there's a reason why this boss is difficult to solo, and it is the fact that he is an absolute bullet sponge. You have to put a ton of damage into him; I would say probably 10 times as much as the Act 3 boss. But on top of that, he disappears underground, and when the worm disappears underground, it heals itself.

act 4 solo

So what I did was find a way to get him to stop healing himself, and then you don't have to put so many bullets into him. It is possible to do so, so the only other thing that you have to know is how to not taksodamage, how to not go down, how to survive essentially, and all of the things I will show you in this article.

So where does it start? It starts with preparation, so this is what you're going to want to go into the game essentially using. Now that I'm using a self-revive three-plate vest, it would be better if I had a large backpack, but I didn't in this circumstance, and the gas mask isn't really needed.

how to beat act 4 solo

However, the weapons are where things get important, so first things first, you're going to need a long-range weapon that has a very large magazine, so the one that I used here was the Horgar 26 lmg. As far as what I used on it, the important things were the 100-round drum and everything else I'm essentially using for longer damage range and bullet velocity, so this is like the high grain rounds, the laser I just used for faster aim-down sights, and Sprint to fire speed because the tradeoff doesn't matter in zombies, and then I used a red dot.

You don't need to; I just preferred it on this weapon, but this is going to be your long-range weapon, and as far as this weapon goes, you're going to want it to be triple-pack-a-punched and legendary rarity, so using a legendary ether tool, as far as your second weapon, is important. You have to have this in the game 100%; you have to have the RGL.

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And what you're going to do with this one is that I used a purple ether tool, and then I also packed and punched it once. That made it so it worked properly, and you'll see what I mean by that as we dive in further. I also use decoy grenades and throwing knives; these are just to manage zombies a little bit more, and then I used energy mine; you'll see why later on in the article, but as far as the perks that you're going to want, these are the most important ones.

modern warfare 3

Juggernog is probably the most important, followed by Speed Coler. You're going to need those faster reloads, especially for your RGL. Quick Revive just made it, so I healed faster. PhD Flopper made it so I took less explosive damage that's important for dealing with dogs, and then stamina up just so I can move around faster.

I can't run around with my hands with this load out, so I move slower, so that's why stamina Up's important; that's the base of what you're going to want to use, so once you have your load out, there's going to be a few things that you actually need. The first of which is a bunch of self-revivals.

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How do you get self-revivals? Well, there are a couple ways. Number one, you can just buy them for 5, 000 Essence at Tier 2 or above buy stations. That's probably the easiest way. Just do a bunch of delivery contracts or bounties until you get a bunch of money. The later you are into a game, the more contracts are going to actually award you Essence, so you can do that, and then just Tombstone.

modern warfare 3 zombies act 4

And then come back in, pick up your tombstone after every game, build up a whole bunch of essence, and buy everything that you need. I would also recommend going in with three Cs: guns. A large backpack is a fairly good thing to have, so you can carry more, but three sentry guns should be more than enough, and honestly, that's pretty much it.

Shatter blast helps out just clearing out zombies, but it doesn't help out with the worm whatsoever, so if you're picking an ammo mod, that's the one I would recommend. And I like energy mine simply for the first part, but you can also use ether shroud to save your butt when you're in dire circumstances.

Originally, when I first did this. I thought I was going to need the circuit for the deadbolt turrets, but I didn't actually end up using those whatsoever, so those aren't necessary, so you can bring in more self-revivals or you can bring in more sentry guns if you really want, but again, if you're having trouble getting all of this into one game.

modern warfare 3 zombies act 4 guide

Tombstone is your best friend, and if you need to go in and get a three-plate vest or a large backpack, you can just go in and buy them. Just build up your essence and make sure you have a tombstone. Die at the end of the game; come back in. You're going to have more and more Essence after every single game, and once you have enough Essence to get everything that you need, that is when you're going to go into the dark Ether Portal, so you now have everything you need.

Next Step Going inside the portal, all you need to do to go inside the portal is: You're going to see this giant tornado in the middle of the map. Make your way to that giant tornado just off to the side of it. You're going to see an Ether Portal. When you see that portal, you're going to interact with it, and then when you do, you're going to open up your menu and do the same thing that you would do to cancel a contract, so open it and then hold whatever button that is for you.

modern warfare 3 zombies act 4 solo

I was using a PlayStation controller, so that was a triangle. You're then in The Ether, where there are now four sigils that you have to go around the map and essentially destroy, and the way that you're going to do this is that you're going to go up to them, you're going to interact with them, and then in a specific radius around that sigil.

You are going to kill zombies. It is very simple. You just stay in that area, and if you have this triple-pack legendary weapon, you're going to kill everything very easily. It's only Tier 2 zombies that you are fighting here, so this part is relatively easy. There are some of the sigils that are a little bit closer to combat that are a little bit more difficult, but again, we have a ton of self-revives.

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