News - Warzone 2 Zombies Free To Play Tomorrow: Don't Miss This. Updated Review

Still, there is a lot of positivity here, and there's a lot of stuff that is genuinely really fun. I've had extractions in this game that have been so intense, and getting out by the skin of your teeth and extracting those schematics is a really fun time, so for those of you that are going to be jumping in with the free trial, here's my recommendation.


I don't think you should subject yourself to trying to do those Act 1 to Act 3 missions right away because some of them are just a little bit dull. Instead, I'd recommend selecting the Act 4 mission, but don't do it instantly. Instead, do a couple of matches. Going through all of the different contracts and building up your power to get to tier three Pack-a-Punch in the tier three zone, and maybe doing a couple of tier three contracts, just so you can get a feel for what that's like.

Then, when you've done maybe three or four matches of that, you've figured out the kind of flow of the mode. That's when I would recommend you go for a Tier 4 run, but do that with a team. And if not, you can always squad fill and go around the map and round up other players to do that objective with you, and just try and engage with the mode and the way that it's designed, even though it's not round-based zombies.

Also read:

Just try to engage with what is there in good faith and give it the opportunity. To impress you, it's just maybe that impressing is a little different from what you're used to, and who knows, maybe at that point you'll really like the game. I'm sure there are going to be some of you who simply say it's not round-based, so I don't care, and that's totally fine, right?


There are no hard feelings either way. I'm just trying to help you navigate through here to have an experience this year that you don't yet realize, but you'd actually really love if you just tapped into it in the right way. I've obviously got a whole bunch of guides, tutorials, etc. on my channel, and I've linked some of those on screen right now as well.

MW3 Zombies is going FREE TO PLAY tomorrow but it's only for a LIMITED time so don't miss out! Get your Zombies Merch.
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