News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Best & Fastest Way To Farm T3 Outlast Contracts Schematics For Mwz Season 1

mw3 zombies

So this would make it pretty easy to do in a shorter amount of time with a little bit less risk compared to things like, let's just say, the spores, but once the timer goes up, slap yourself with a nice big old fat juicy decoy out there, grab your Rift, and then you will be set for that contract to go.

So once you're able to grab your items from the rift, we'll also have to do a contract in between, so typically, at least in my experience, the escort, not the cargo contract, spawns, which to me is a pretty damn easy one, so just throw out the decoy, get the zombies away, and then open up the garage, then grab the car.

Now you know the rest of the story, but for this one, it's kind of annoying now because they did increase the spawn of zombies outside the gas stations, which decreased the health of the car right off the bat. You can't kind of run around. But as we're going to the next Outlast contract, at least I always put out an energy orb behind me because those guys really can sprint fast, but the crux of this one is that we pretty much go from the very top of the mansion, then jump down to the bottom of the second floor, and then just really train.

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If you're experienced in training, this will be no problem for you, but if you're not, just treat it as if you're playing tag but you don't want to be it. Now, brain rot is very clutch for this, especially because we have zombies that run ahead of the pack, which can be annoying because you also have dogs.

But that kind of overlaps with the next point I'm going to make, which is to have something that is really light and easy to move around. I'm not talking about a lmg light; I'm talking about something like a SMG like the WSP Swarm or the uzi, because when you have these guns, they don't do a ton of damage, but when you have something that you can like, having an ammo mod on and spraying a bunch of bullets, which includes, which does not include, which increases the odds that your weapon mod will spawn like brain rot, is really helpful.

mw3 zombies beating aether

And as you continue to see here, my training, you know, keeps going on. I like to go around in and out in and out in and out, especially because all the zombies the more the contract goes on, the more new ones spawn, so you don't want to get caught going around to one new area of new zombies while you have a giant horde behind you, so alternating between this, you know, on the first floor in and out of doorways, then going up the rope that goes up to the ceiling, then down to the second floor.

This really makes all the zombies just go into one single area because they all have to go up one of the stairs or through one doorway because that's where the majority of them actually are. As you see right here, they are coming from one side, even though they were all on the very bottom floor. It's kind of like they're all a bunch of sheep coming together or a bunch of corkies.

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And as you see the timer, it goes up about two times per second, so now we have about 8 seconds, and as we progress on notice. I'm getting closer and closer to where the orb will already spawn, but however some of them don't like to die as fast, so I had to go up to the very top floor, then jump down to see the rift is done, and then now it's pretty much time to fill, so I hope this helps.

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We break down the Tier 3 Outlast Contracts. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting, we've got you covered with practical strategies, farming insights, and step-by-step guidance to help you navigate through hordes of zombies in the Tier 3 zone.
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