News - Warzone 2 Tombstone Duplication Glitch Full Detailed Guide

Full detailed guide

Full detailed guide

This is how you can duplicate items. Store max money in your Tombstone and have OP items at the start of every single game that you play. Normally. I would write out a script giving you all the information and voice over my gameplay, but in this article. Hopefully, this way of making the article helps more people get this glitch because all I want to do is help as many people as I can, so leave a comment if this has helped.

Glitch set up

All you have to do in the first step is set up everything you're going to need inside your bag—everything you want to duplicate—and set it in your tombstone. You can put it in your bag right now. We would jump up to like 20, 000 subs, all right? So one thing I do want to mention is that, as you guys can see, I already have a tombstone.

duplication glitch

Set now this doesn't really affect you I already have Max money in mind so I'll show you how to get Max money and duplicate your money at the end of this article my Tombstone is already set this doesn't matter if you don't have one it's just I'll show you what to do if you have one if you don't have one then you'll be completely fine so I'm just finishing up the Spore control contract, right now I decided to do it at this point because it's really easy to complete it takes you know like a minute and you know I don't have to shoot any of these zombies that can just go and shoot the spores because I am going to need 2, 000 points in order to buy Tombstone.

I understand that you know I have Max money in my tombstone, but I'm going to go ahead and just get the money so that I can buy that perk all right. So I found the tombstone perk, and it doesn't matter at what point you buy it; you're only going to need to buy it once to set your tombstone. I'm doing it now before I go ahead and pick up my tombstone that's already on the map.

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If you don't have one, then it's fine. You're just going to go ahead and buy Tombstone. As the first step of this glitch, for the next step, if you are interested in any camo unlocks to max out all your guns or even get bot lobbies, check out Mitch {412}.

Setting tombstone

Setting tombstone

And this is what I'm going to now be duplicating, so now that you guys have the tombstone perk equipped and you have everything in your backpack that you want to duplicate, and Max money, you're going to down yourself, but you need to make sure that you do not have a self-revive, equipped, or this will not work, then you're going to down yourself.

Unlimited tombstones

Unlimited tombstones

PlayStation or PC, you can activate this mission. Every player can get the portal to spawn. You just need to activate this mission before you go into your game; if you don't, then the portal is not going to spawn. all right so when you guys load in, as you can see, the tombstone icon, is set on your map, so wherever you set your tombstone, it's going to be there you just have to make your way over to it sometimes the tombstone, icon may not show like you guys don't see it right now, when you spawn into your first or when you first load into the game the tombstone icon may not spawn but if you pull up your map and zoom in on wherever you set your Tombstone then you should see the icon there sometimes it's just a visual glitch if the icon shows or not but as you guys can see my Tombstone is exactly where I set it and now from here you no longer need to grab the tombstone perk unless you want to put different items into it but right now we're just going to be duplicating, our items We already have our Tombstone, so now I don't need to grab that perk ever again, so once you make your way over to your Tombstone, you are going to take everything out of it now.

Duplication glitch

Duplication glitch

You can already use the items inside the tombstone, but I am going to be duplicating them, so the only thing I'm going to use is the large backpack. Everything else I'm just going to stash in my inventory, and then you need to make sure it crumbles. If the tombstone does not crumble, then when you quit your game later, it is not going to save into your next game, and you're going to lose it, so make sure you take everything out of it.

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As you guys can see, I now have my maximum money. I have all the items that I want to duplicate. From here, I'm just going to hop over to this crane because, like I said, this is the best spot to put your tombstone. Because now all I have to do is fly over to the bad signal portal, and this will spawn in the same spot every game.


Every player can get it as long as you set your mission at the beginning of Act 4. You can go ahead and play your entire game if you want. That's why I went to go buy perks, buy a score streak, get my gas mask, and get my armor. Just to show you guys that you can play your game out completely normal if you go ahead and grab any other items in the game, like, let's say.

I filled up this empty slot with something else, like, let's say I got a, you know, speed col, a perk can, right, and if I put that in here. I'll be able to bring that item out of the game and put it into my stash, so go over to it and you're going to activate it, then you're going to pull up your map in the top right-hand corner, and you can see that you have to vote.

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Yes, so I'm just going to hold down y for Xbox. PlayStation, it's triangle, and honestly. I have no idea what PC does, but you're going to close your game completely if you're on Xbox or Playstation, so when you get the portal animation like you guys just saw, your screen goes purple on Xbox and Playstation.

You're going to completely quit the game and dashboard like you saw me do there and then reload the application, so you need to close the app completely if you're playing on PC. Before you go into the portal, you need to put your game into window mode so that you can access your task manager. After the portal animation, you're going to get a black screen on that black screen.

PC players are going to use the task manager to force quit their Call of Duty by using the portal. I am now going to be duplicating the items that I had in my inventory because my next game that I go into will still have items in it, as you guys can see in my inventory.

Saving items in stash

Saving items in stash

I have my fully stacked-out operator now, and I have all the items that were in my Tombstone, so from here, if I were just to press unequip, you're going to see that my stash is full, and I can no longer put those items in it because right now my stash has 134 items; it's 134.

Out of 10, so in order to force items into your stash way over 10, all you have to do is hover over whichever one you want to put in and press swap, then go over to your acquisition stash, and you're going to go over to the purchase or rewards tab. Either one of these will work. I'll use the purchase first, then I'll use this cryofreeze, and now I swap.

This is a full deatailed guide on how you can duplicate all your ultra rare items in modern warfare 3 zombies. This glitch is super easy to do and cna be done solo! THE MUCH SHORTER VERSION of this tutorial is here.
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