News - Warzone 2 Is Free

All these things can be destroyed, which now counts towards camo progress for the RG80. And I'm assuming the stor Ender too I had just talked about this in my last article where I was covering the stor Ender and that's really great because I haven't progressed my camos for it at all yet I really wasn't too sure about trying to get Interstellar Fort and I don't really know if it matters anyway but yeah I'm literally at Zer out of 25 I mean maybe on shipment or something where people are using a lot of equipment, maybe I could get it done but this is definitely way better than only being able to destroy Claymores and prox mines yeah apparently people were able to get the ray gun in multiplayer, but I'm pretty sure they patched this so if you were able to hack the ray gun into multiplayer, you'll pretty much just kill yourself if you try to use it like if you go to shoot the gun it's just going to kill you I'm pretty sure this started happening because there's eventually going to be an LTM.

An out-of-map exploit in which players were able to get underneath the map near the garage. Now, I'm not too sure if this is them just reiterating. The out-of-the-map fixes that they made earlier very well could be the case because I haven't seen anyone do a glitch in War ever since they finally fixed it, but that was in a previous update; they didn't just do that unless, of course, there were some other glitches that I just wasn't aware of because I have been playing War a lot ever since they fixed the out-of-the-map glitch, so I don't know.

What I do know is that it sounds like they've fixed all of the glitches in War, at least that I'm aware of, and I'm going to say that I have not seen people cheating on this. Of course, the air strike killed me. Don't lose sight of what we are we, doing my is. I pushed this tank so far back. Let's go you thought you could drop and shoot.

We are killing right now, except, like, what are you doing there? Literally just hunting me down, ignoring the objective, hiding with a silen SMG, and you want to keep shooting people in the. Wait, that's my luck right there like why even last night this was happening a bunch like I'd have so many close calls, but something always goes wrong, literally we keep having a teammate rage quit they don't want to stay I wouldn't want to stay on this team either yeah this was a depressing first half I think this is exactly why they didn't want to show kills for so long on defense you don't really need to play The Objective you actually just have to be good at killing the other team stopping them from getting to the objectives and completing them on offense you have to play The Objective so getting kills isn't necessarily, as important like you still have to kill the Defenders but I'm fully expecting to get first rounded, here, all right no one stopping us.

Rat, no one's, wait, no one's, what is? There are two changes I would have liked to see made to sniper rifles that probably won't happen, but I'd really like to see that be the case. I really wish when we were aiming in, we wouldn't just be partially off, as you can already tell by how misaligned.

This is with my laser even with the center dot like every time I scope in it's not always going to be perfectly centered that's kind of the case for every gun like every gun in the game has a certain amount of Sway and you're almost never going to be like fully aiming in on the center, unless you have attachments that reduce it the problem with snipers is that if you put on anything that really helps the firing aim stability, it typically ends up slowing down your ads which is just useless for snipers and the other thing is flinch like I'm so tired of being flinched off shots too especially by this dork drop shotting every kill as a level 12 playing a serious game of catchup and he's doing everything he can to get the I mean look at this you rat this guy's just unbelievably sweaty it's so gross it's honestly worse that he's a level 12 playing that way if he was like a level 200 I wouldn't even be mad cuz it's like I get it you've been playing, but he's like new and this is how he's playing I want a.

BL come on i just want to hit. Something we actually won that one too thank the Lord How We Do 95, kills that's not too bad typically when I'm playing War even when sniping I can drop over 100 kills easily but I don't I don't know about the iron sight Longbow like I want to hit something with it but it's honestly it's just not great but yeah back to the patch notes again I'm only trying to mention stuff that's actually important I mean this is a pretty big change to ghost but honestly I'm not sure why this needed a buff it says that players can now be stationary for 2 seconds, before anti- radar effects are disabled so I believe the way that ghost worked before is that if you stopped moving for like even just a second technically even shorter than that like the second you stopped moving, ghost would stop working I'm not going to lie though I'm sort of okay with this change only because they added the Assassin vest and I feel like that's going to be a big crutch for people who are playing.

I guess anything other than War because when you're playing War, you can't get uavs and you can't get kill streaks, so none of this even matters, which is another big reason why I really like the mode because you don't have to worry about go and uavs; you simply just play the game, but yes, for basically everything else, like 6v6 and otherwise in multiplayer where you can earn kill streaks and call uavs.

Ghost is definitely going to be more useful now, and I don't think you're going to have to rely on the Assassin vest nearly as much because if you need to stop for a couple seconds and reload, you're not going to show up on the UAV. At least hopefully there are some minor changes and fixes for zombies as well, but nothing crazy.

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Now, this doesn't make sense to me. They said they resolved the PC-specific crashes players encountered at the start of season 1; they said it was fixed on Monday and added various crash and stability fixes. Now I have no idea why this has been the case, but every so often if I'm just like playing the game and I go to my creative class to like check out my guns and stuff, my game will just crash for no reason.

I don't know if this is happening on the console or not, but it's definitely happening on the PC. And it says that it's a direct X error I've restarted, my PC multiple, times I've got the latest Nvidia, driver updates and stuff there's really no reason why this should be happening but it's still crashing a lot but that's pretty much it for the patch notes and stuff there are some other changes and things but I just really wanted to cover what I thought were the most important things I really don't, understand what happened to All or Nothing that was a really strange little playlist update that they pushed out but yeah there were some good quality of life improvements and changes, coming with this week for Modern Warfare 3 but I'm really expecting next week to be when things ramp up because I think they're going to have like the holiday events and hopefully some more new game modes especially that vortex one I don't know exactly when that's coming but I really want to be able to play that ray gun game mode because that's going to be so much fun this week does seem to be a little bit slower in terms of content.

But if you don't own Modern Warfare 3, you can play the multiplayer game for free right now, which is pretty good. Oh, and I forgot there's also a free trial for zombies too, so if you want to play zombies in Modern Warfare 3, that's also free right now. You know what's also a free war zone? It's always going to be free.

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