News - Warzone 2 How To Unlock The New Eather Rift 5ms

easter egg

Today I'm going to be playing Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3: Zombie. We are going to do a quick walkthrough of how to unlock the new dark ether Rift map in under 5 minutes. This article does not go over how to gather all four parts, but rather how to upgrade the three purple parts to permanently unlock the rift.

If you do not have these parts, you must complete the act for a mission called Counter Measures. I have already made a article of how to complete the mission and acquire these items. Now what you need to complete the task is a loadout capable of fighting in Tier 3, the Red Zone. I would not recommend waiting until the end of the game to open the rift.

There does seem to be an issue with the rift not appearing when finishing the Easter egg. I believe it has something to do with someone already opening the rift for the first time in the same match. Don't worry, you can upgrade all the parts to gold and fill them with them, and they will upgrade.

eather rift

And they will stay upgraded and ready to use in the next game. I have designed this article so that you can easily follow along and pause the article after completing each task, though the tasks are simple and can be memorized if you pay attention and watch this article just a few times. In the first part of the article, you must come to this area on the map that is F8 in this building.

As you see on the map, you must come to this boxing ring, and you must enter the boxing ring and interact with it. Prompt Now, when you offer The Relic, you must come over to this corner and punch these punching bags until they catch fire, then re-enter the ring. This zombie is special, and you must melee him to acquire your RI back, and that will be.

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So relatively H3 into this corner, this headstone interacts with the headstone. A zombie will appear, and a zombie will be colored with an animation. The animations represent the Amo mod that must be used to kill the zombie bars, which are green, so it is brain rot. Here's where all the Amo mods are located.

how to

We equip the brain, and then you must equip it again on the floor, and you must go over to the zombie, and you'll shoot him, and he will drop you your upgraded. In the totem poles, you must put the designated item that represents the picture, so here's the mirror. We need to put the mirror on this pedestal and then continue on to the next one.

They are all on a circle base, so you just keep running around a circle and you will find. As you can see, when I put my last item on this, the rift didn't immediately spawn for me in this game, so I had to come back into a new game at the beginning of the game and put all the items back on there so that the rift should immediately spawn when your last item is put onto the pedestal, and when the rift spawns, you can hear that there is an animation of sound going on, and then when the rift appears, a shock mimic will spawn, which you must defeat.

When you kill this mimic, he will then drop you a Sigil, and then you can always enter the dark rift by getting a Sigil from Tier 3 missions, and then when you enter the dark rift with a sigle, you have a chance to get an elder sigle, and that will give you the last dark ether ref that will give you the schematics.

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This is my quick guild video of how to open up the new dark eather rift for session 2. how to get the easter egg items.
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