News - Warzone 2 Glitches Every Best Working Infected Spots One Video

hiding spots mw2 infected

Just before we start, I thought to let you know there will be some old clips in here, so don't get confused when there's like different types of tones in my voice, but let's get into it. Starting off, we're on zombies infected in the Embassy. All you want to do is place a barricade here. You want to run and jump on top of this tree stump.

You can then run and jump on top of this fence. You can then literally walk across this fence. You can literally just prone on it and hide on it if you want to, and I also have another extension for you. If you literally just run down here, you can also get to these sandbags. Here's another spot on the zombie-infected Embassy.

All you want to do is do a strafe jump to this window. You can literally just chill inside here. Unfortunately, all the other windows are not in this article because they're all patched. Here's another spot on both working embassies. As you can see, you can literally prowl inside this bush, and you're pretty much on a hidden run.

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Al Silo, all you want to do is run and jump up here, or you can literally climb up this way. You're then going to need a barricade. All you want to do is place it exactly where I do. You can then run and jump on top of these fans. You can literally chill up here. Just make sure you stand on the fans only.

infected spots mw2

And as you see, hardly anyone saw me up here; they were literally running around clueless. There's another spot on Al Silo. If you place your deployable cover on here, all you want to do is run and jump all the way to the right side of this tree, and as you can see, you can literally chill in here and no one will probably find you and look up, so we're now on track.

All you want to do is make your way to my location. You want to go to this part of the building and you want to place a barricade, literally next to this chair, and you want to try and have it so it's hanging off the edge. Then you want to climb up on top of the barricade. You then want to run and jump on top of the lamp on the wall, and then you just want to do a run jump towards the roof, and you can then literally climb up and you can just chill up here on different parts of the roof.


And yeah, it's really cool because you're really high up and no one can literally look up, so you're in a pretty awesome spot for the uninfected. What you want to do is make your way to my location. You want to make your way to these rocks and just prone until you f through them, and then once you've done that, all you want to do is either do it on the left side or the right side, and you want to find a spot where you're barely visible.

I see here's a good example with my friend; he was literally barely visible once he found the right spot. We're now on Showdown. All you want to do is make your way to the scaffold in here. You want to run and jump on top of this little pole here. You then want to jump on top of this part. You then want to jump to the corner.

And you can then climb up here without any barricades, so this is really, really awesome because there are no field upgrades needed. You can literally just prone up here and hide up here uninfected. Now on the hot hand map What you want to do is just break the glass as you see here, and all you want to do then is just run and jump into this glass.


You'll then be halfway through the curtains, and then all you want to do is just prone inside of this gray beam by breaking glass, and you can then get to it, and you're then in a pretty decent spot. Here's another spot on the hotel map. All you want to do is just go up to these plants. At the back of the map, and all you want to do is just PR, but obviously you can't really be seen, as you see in the drone's view.

This also works on the other bush, as you see. I recommend proning like this, and here it is in the drones. View, and this works better if you have a friend with you, so you want to place the first barricade in the door so it keeps the door locked in place. Get your friend to place the other barricade down, stand on the door, and you can then just run and jump on the lamp.

modern warfare 2

We're at Albra Fortress. You want to make your way to the hay, and all you want to do is stay inside until you go under. All you want to do is move from left to right, and you'll start to notice you'll go quite under. Here's what it looks like: On museum, What you want to do is make your way to this area here.

place the barricade exactly where I do and just do a tactical Sprint dolphin dive on top of this, light as you see and then once you're on the light I recommend going exactly right I do, all the way to the end and scooting off a bit so you don't get seen cuz if you're too fast to the right you can be easily seen on the Museum map all you want to do is make your way to these tables and chairs you want to find a gap and basically drop down and once you drop down you want to prone and as you see you're in a pretty decent spot we're now on Crown Raceway as you see the right side is now patched but the only side that works is the left side window, so what you want to do is go over to my location, stand on top of these ovens, place down a barricade.

modern warfare 2 glitches

You then just want to smash the windows, and you then want to do an automatic tactical sprint dolphin dive. You can literally crawl through and drop outside of the map, and no one's literally going to find you here; they will find it hard to throw knives, so the next glitch is on the dome. You want to make your way to my location, and you want to place the barricade exactly as I do, and once you place it, you want to stand on the barricade.

You can then jump up on this pretty cool ledge. Mado Alas, all you want to do is have a barricade, and you want to make your way to my location. You want to place the barricade on these fruit boxes. Run and jump on the barricade, and do a dolphin dive on top of these blue sheets. This is not the best spot in the world.

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You're not in God mode, but people don't really tend to look up. Also, here's what it looks like on the drones. View, and by the way, the reason my gun was sticking out is because I'm in my drone, but usually this will not happen. When you're not in the drone for the last part, we're on pun to M.

modern warfare 2 infected glitch

All we want to do is make our way to this bend. We're going to place one barricade down here, then's want to run and jump on top of this arch, then's want to place another barricade on here. Obviously, this works better if you have a friend. Once you place a second barricade, you then want to run and jump towards this balcony, and then this is harder than it looks.

By the way, you can then literally get up here. If you do manage to get another barricade, you can then go even higher up. You can get to the roof, but you probably won't get to the roof online. But yeah, just practice custom games like this one. But as you see, you can literally walk around the whole balcony.

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In today's video i will show you every single working infected spots in one video.
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