News - Warzone 2 Free Now. New Top 10 Best Guns To Use After Update Warzone 2 (meta Best Class Setup Warzone 2 Multiplayer)

best class mw3

It's here by Nagi, and welcome back to another article of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. In today's article. I've got you guys the top 10 best Modern Warfare 3 classes that we've got for you guys to rock here within the most recent update of Modern Warfare 3, and the reason why I'm kind of doing this is also because, as of December 14th, at 1:00 p.

Subscribers, and it's just a blessing to have you here, so yeah, with all that being said, let's go ahead and start things off with the first SMG that I want to talk to you guys about, and that's going to be the striker. SMG for the first attachment, we got the muzzle of the Shadow Strike suppressor, allowing us to stay out of the new map every time we shoot, and thus we can be very stealthy assassins.

For the barrel on this gun, we got the Strike Elite long barrel, so we have aiming auto sway recoil control and gun kick control, so this SMG can be more accurate at farther ranges, so potentially we can get some medium-range kills, and then we also get bull velocity and damage range, so this gun can outelt faster at those farther ranges.

best class season 1 mw3

For the underbarrel, here we have our trusty Dr6 hand stop, and you guys are going to see this and the muzzle. Most common in my classes just because they really help you a lot in terms of these attachments being one of the most powerful. The Dr6 hand stop gives us awesome straight speed to move left and right really quickly and helps us win gunfights.

Ads feed F fire speed to bring up the gun faster and have a faster time of kill, and then movement speed to really boost up our movement and run away from opponents if needed to heal up or run into them and get more kills. For the optic, we got the Slate reflector, but obviously you can use any optic that you're comfortable with, like the MK MK3 reflector.

best class setup mw3

I just got the slay reflector on this gun because the iron sights are not the best in my opinion, and then for our magazine, we got the 48-round mag to kind of round things up here and be able to body multiple opponents with a higher magazine. We don't want to rock the 60-round drum mag because that's just kind to feel a little bit sluggish on you, and I don't really recommend it personally, but hey, if you're rocking with the 60-round drum mag and you feel fine, then go for it, but yeah, 40-round drum mag is or 48 round mag is the way to go, and there's your reference picture and the striker, 45 SMG.

It's a really great SMG. I mean, it looks great, it feels great, it performs great, and it's the perfect, you know, kind of beginner. And then for our secondary pistol class, we got the core 45 with HMS, mod suppressor 40 round drum mag xrk lightning fire trigger action, and then slay reflector optic and tactical grip cover rear grip.

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This thing is like the legit the best secondary in the game will always, you know, keep you trusty and handed, and I definitely recommend it, but now that we've moved on from the general load out, let's go ahead and get to our second gun here in the article, and that's going to be the number one AR meta God gun of the hogre 556.

best class setup season 1 mw3

For the muzzle once again we got that shadow strike suppressor to stay up the mini map every time we shoot under Barrel is once again going to be our trusty dr6, hand stop for optic we once again have the Slate reflector because the iron sights on this gun aren't the cleanest but obviously you could also use the MK3 reflector if you wanted the stock on this gun is be the ascent Lord stock for aiming AOS wayway firing a ability and gun kick control so you can be even more accurate with this weapon as you're farther you know trying to get some farther range targets, and for our magazine we've got the 40 round magazine for 10 extra bullets you can you know deal with more multiple enemies in one single mag, and be kind of more comfortable with the 150 Health in this game and yeah that is how I love rocking the hogre 556 here recently, and I mean it's the hogre 556 if you haven't used this gun in war zone or whatever the case is like this is legit one of the easiest guns in the game, it looks good, it absolutely freaking destroys.

best class setups mw3

And it melts, plus I got the black cell traces there, making this gun look even more clean, so rock with this baby next up. This is probably my favorite SMG in the game, and that's going to be the W SP Swarm SMG. Muzzle is going to be the monolith compressor s allowing us to be undetectable by radar once again but we also get some extra recoil control cuz this gun has a lot of kick to it so you want to be able to control it a lot more effectively, under Barrel is going to be the dr6 hand stuff once again for the extra movement that we've always talked about stock is going to be the osus Fortress heavy stock for that maximum gun kick control recoil control firing aame stability, so that we can actually control this gun cuz this gun is going to be kicking like crazy once you put this attachment on you can actually control this gun in short to medium ranges, and the rear grip is going to be the marauder grip for once again, overall more aim stability and recoil control and of course we're rocking with the 50 round Max we have more extra ammo to body you know multiple.

best class setups season 1 mw3

Fully health opponents, or you can run the 100-round drum mag, but that'll just kind of slow down your movement, but it's kind of fun to run it for the memes, but rock that 50-round mag if you want to really go crazy, but yeah, that is the WSP Swarm this is the gun I need to sweat on people if I need to streak on people this is the gun I use, because it legit has one of the craziest pirates in the game and is legit very comfortable for me to use.

And I really just do prefer using this gun over anything else. Obviously, don't try to stretch your ranges because it's a little bit harder to control, but if you want to and you have the control for it, go for it. Moving onwards, we got my perfect. MCW moving onward, we have my favorite AR to use here in Modern Warfare 3, and that's going to be the ACR, like MCW.

MW3 FREE NOW NEW TOP 10 BEST GUNS TO USE AFTER UPDATE MW3 Meta Best Class Setup MW3 Multiplayer.
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