News - Warzone 2 - Fast Trophy Hunt Farming Guide (new Mastery Fast Unlock)

It doesn't matter if we collect this and then a new person joins; you can only get six. So now that we've collected that first trophy, it's one out of six. If we find another unique enemy and take them down, we'll get another trophy. You can now see that we're at two out of six. Couple more enemies down; one of those we had already taken out, so we only got one trophy for that, but now we're at three out of six trophies, and you get the point; you can get all the way up to six.

how to get fast coins in mw2

The reason I recommend TDM as a mode is because these are going to be quick games; they're going to end really fast, and, for some reason, the cap doesn't scale with the number of players. If you play Ground War, you can only get six trophies; you're able to get 10 trophies in a game of Evasion. that lasts so long, it's not worth it.

TDM is going to be way quicker than all the other modes, and it's weird that different modes have different amounts of trophies you can collect. If you play Search and Destroy, you can get up to 10 trophies, but once you take out an enemy, you still have to get the token in snd games usually. Last longer than a TDM game, and for most people, getting six trophies in TDM while waiting for it to end is going to be by far the quickest overall method for just getting all of these trophies if you're only playing multiplayer.

how to get fast trophys in mw2

The worst part is trying to find that last enemy. Nope, we're not going to find him. The only thing I can think of that's going to be faster than just playing TDM is if they add back shipment 24 hours a day. Shimmy mid-24/7 game in super quickly; you can get hardpoint and Dom, but overall shipment is going to probably make it faster if they do add that back, but that's not an option right now. Now let's move on to the fastest Warzone method.

Fastest wz2 method to farm trophies

Fastest wz2 method to farm trophies

You definitely want to be playing Resurgence. You can either play Massive Resurgence, which is going to be on Almazara. But I personally prefer playing it on a chica island because I think it's a little bit faster now. Once you've loaded the game, you want to open the map and look for one of these icons on Ashika Island.

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There's going to be two spawn points on a monster. There are going to be a few more. This is where we're going to drop off. This is a trophy upload station. Once you take down an enemy, you've got to take the trophies you get and upload them here. If you don't do that and you die, you lose all of your trophies.

So in Battle Royale, there are only two ways for your trophies to actually count: to win the game with them in your inventory or to upload them. There are already quite a few people who drop at these, and we're just going to drop, hopefully get a weapon, and try to take down an enemy as quick as possible.


Got a self he's got a self he's got to sell, all right, there we go, that's two more and you're only able to get a total of eight in Resurgence, so now we've already got four out of our eight total, so unfortunately we died and got wiped, so we had to start a new game, but that's the quickest way to farm this in Battle Royale: play Resurgence, drop near one of these, try to find a weapon, and try to take out a few enemies.

Upload them to the station and then rinse and repeat, and you can also get them from looting; it's not super common. Come on, there we go, so that's four; we've got four on us, so take them to the upload station even if we die goals just to get them uploaded, so that's four; we're already halfway done.

modern warfare 2

Even if we get eliminated here, it's not that big of a deal. Now, the one bad part about this method is that as more and more people find out about this event and find out how to farm it, it's going to get harder and harder to upload these since there are only two of them on Chic Island. I have a feeling that later on during this event, a lot of people—we got them, we got him, we're at six doesn't matter I have a feeling a lot of people are going to land here, and it's going to get crazy, hectic, and trying.

To take enemies out and get them uploaded, so I'd recommend that if you plan on farming these in Battle Royale, try to do it now, earlier on in the life cycle of this event, before people just start absolutely camping these machines. Unfortunately, once you've collected eight coins, there's nothing else you can do; you can't earn any more, so if this is your main focus, the best thing to do is just to back out and start again because you can only get eight, so the quickest way to get it done is obviously would be to load into another game; that way, you can hit your eight cap again quicker.

Normal dmz method to farm trophies (works all days of the week)

Normal dmz method to farm trophies (works all days of the week)

Now for the final mode, we have DMZ, and we're actually going to be showing off two different DMZ methods, one of which is going to be slower than playing multiplayer. And playing Battle Royale, then the other method is going to be faster than both, and you probably wonder why I'm going to show off the second slower method, because the slower method could be done any day of the week, whereas the faster method is only doable three days out of the week, so once you spawn in, you've got to spawn in on Almazura, because right now, for some reason, it doesn't work on Chic Island.

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Little trophy upload stations aren't available, and you actually can't get the coins either, but once you spawn in once again, we're going to look for one of these trophy upload stations, or you could either farm these, and if you've got an expo near you, that also works. Unfortunately, if you want a reliable way to get these coins, you really do have to take down real players because they do drop from bots.


They're pretty rare to drop from bots, and you'll spend a long time farming bots to get them, whereas if you find a real player, you're guaranteed to get two. There we go, finally getting one from a bot. I think that was the seventh bot we've killed. Okay, yeah, we've actually cleared out all of the bots in this area.

I've killed 20 bots in a row. I haven't gotten a trophy for farming. Bots to get trophies aren't hard; they're just very slow. It's taken us a large amount of time to farm a ton of boss games, but we've managed to get three, and on top of that, since you're on Almazara, this map's huge, you don't get a drop-in and choose your location, so we spawned here, we had to travel way over here to be able to upload them, and to only get three in the amount of time it took us to do this, maybe if we found some players off rip, it would have sped it up, but I really don't recommend playing normal Al Mazura, taking down bots, or taking the seasons.

mw2 mastery

Yes, you are able to get some easy trophies this way, but you'd be way better off just playing Resurgence or TDM to get them quicker. Surprisingly, out of all the methods I tested, Building 21 was by far the fastest. There are some restrictions on this, and Building 21 is only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so this is the only time you're going to be able to use this fast farming method.

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