News - Warzone 2: Best Secondary For Season 3. Ashika Island Close Range Meta



Today I'm giving you the best secondaries for season three on Ashika Island, starting off here with the Chimera. You know, yesterday I gave you the best primary, so now let's talk about the close-range meta. This way, you can easily fast forward, rewind, and jump around to the gun that you want to see.

Starting off here with the Chimera real quick, by the way, I'm just going to leave tuning on screen screenshot. The biggest advantage, though, is going to be the range; it's got a good range and still feels really good in that 10 to 20 meter range, meaning you're not going to get caught in those kinds of in-between situations like you might with a Lochman sub or a Vasnev. The second purpose of the Chimera is going to be your sniper support; you know, the biggest thing with that sniper support is again not getting caught in that 10 to 20 meter range where you can't necessarily use your sniper; it's not the most advantageous thing to use your sniper Chimera, all around great secondary and great sniper support now.

The vel is here

The vel is here

Next up i do want to talk about the Vel here, one of my favorite secondary schools. You want to win gunfights. Now you see the overpressured ammo on the Chimera; you see it right here. I think we have one other gun that I run this on, and the reason is because it increases your bullet velocity and your damage range.

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Notice there are no cons right here to running this: it increases target flinch, which can make it a little bit tougher for your enemy, but most importantly, you get increased damage range and bullet velocity with your tuning, with no real trade-off because the Vel doesn't have a ton of recoil to begin with. Overall, that's why I'm running the overpressured ammo; it just gives us a little bit more range and a little bit more ability to win gun fights inside of that mid-range now.

Lachmann sub

Lachmann sub

Next up here, we are going to be going to the Lochman sub. I'm going to keep this one short and sweet because this is the exact same build.

Yes, it was nerfed, but no, it was not nerfed enough. You're still going to see a ton of people running this, primarily. Because of the mobility, the one thing you've got to keep in mind with the Lockman sub is It's going to be the fact that you have to fight right on top of people; it doesn't have the best range, so if you are going to use this, you're going to have to really use the movement speed of the Lochman sub to your advantage, you know, being able to just be a touch faster than your enemies and kind of use that to get away and get in and out of certain situations.

My favorite smg - kastov 74u

If I'm in a 10,000 kill race tournament tomorrow, where you know, I've got to get the most amount of kills possible, I am running the iso Hemlock and the cast-off 74u. If you are subscribed to me, you know that this is hands down my favorite SMG part. This is because of my play style; you know, I tend to play a little bit more strategically and aggressively, which is what I love about the cast of 74U.

Also read:

Is exactly what I love about the Chimera: being really good in that 10 to 20 meter range and being able to win those gun fights where I don't have to be right on top of somebody, putting myself in true 50/50 situations instead. I can play a little bit more strategically in close-quarter situations and have a lot of success.

The other thing is, of course, going to be your sniper support. I would put this a little bit ahead of the Chimera in terms of sniper support, but ultimately, go with whichever one you feel most comfortable with. Now we're going to go ahead and wrap this up.



I'm still rocking the Vasnav here. Just an all-around great option. Very versatile pretty good mobility, you know, good range, very easy to use, so guys, I hope you found today's article helpful. If you are looking to get better, stick around for this live commentary.

Right here, this is absolutely perfect.

Coaching you!

Okay, so today I'm going to be taking you inside the mind here as we play some solo duos, and we're going to be grabbing the Vel pretty much as soon as I possibly can. I'm not going to focus too much on loadout unless we actually have loadout money or unless we kind of win this and we're able to get the 12K, but I definitely want to try to grab my belt early just to really get in the mix a little bit.

Of course, I got sniper off the rip. I literally see one right up top there, and I can't do anything because I get the worst gun pulls ever. Okay, we've got a bell here, so this is actually kind of interesting. Let's go and work our way up here. I never just pushed. I try not to push the stairs.

ashika island best secondary

I try to always play at different angles, like off angles here. We get a clean kill, at which point we get the information about where the teammate is, and then we immediately push from there, especially once we know that we can you know we're reloaded. We were good on plates; we're good at there; let's just go ahead and take advantage of it; there's no reason to wait, and that's where a lot of you get caught, especially in trails and quads, because the moment you don't challenge with momentum, in trios and quads, what's the first thing that they do?

ashika island close range

Literally, the first thing that they do is they go the exact same thing that you do: you go, I just got shot from this direction, and what does your teammate do? He goes and he flies. Over there to help you out, right? He's right on that hip of yours, and look, I get it. I totally understand because you're playing as a squad, but the reality is we need to keep teams from doing that, when we are playing and solo Duos is a great way to practice that let's go ahead and I'm going to loot one two see if we could potentially cash has been good here so let me see if I can quickly grab I'm, gonna loot Just a Touch extra here nope I can't get it I can't get wait there was some money right here there was some money right here I believe on this desk look at that I'm just so smart now I'm gonna buy UAV first before I grab Loadout why because.

I want to be able to fly I know that I just dropped that proof I dropped the mortar which is fine I want to be able to fly over to my next location so two kills early so 18 teams left here let's move make sure we're focusing on positioning, make sure we're focusing on. You've got one guy over this way, so we're going to go ahead, and he's going to be on the buy station 100.

ashika island close range meta

No, he's right in the water here. There's one, let's see what this guy does this guy's probably gonna push into this room right here, right around the corner for me. we can go ahead and redeploy to our next area let me see if we can figure out where people are real quick four kills 13 other teams left here chasing, literally one Duo here to be able to drop okay there's one guy over this way he's on my level he's.

With the recent nerfs to some of the SMGs, the close range meta has slightly shifted so today I am giving you the best secondaries for Warzone 2 Season 3.
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