News - Unlock. The Boys. Mastery Camo Fast/easy. Blacklight Flashlight Update - Warzone 2 Supe Takedown Event

This just got fixed!

This just got fixed!

So with that, though, on a bit of a brighter note, the event tab has apparently been fixed globally for MW3 and the war zone, so for those out there that have, for whatever reason, not had access to an event tab over the last couple of weeks and now months, you should have one, and as far as the battle pass progression goes for the new HRM 9 SMG.

What happened with the boys event?

Something really odd happened that has never really occurred with any Call of Duty seasonal update. So, originally, there was a leaked event called the boys versus the seven with two different sets of challenges, and when the blog post rolled around for reloading, only one of those sets of challenges got confirmed that was supposed to be released with reloading. And that's not what ended up releasing as of today the other set of challenges from the original Boys versus the seven event ended up dropping and what's really silly is that even in the patch not they released today they still went ahead and mention, those other challenges, which were officially confirmed in the season one reloaded blog post and those are nowhere to be found in anybody's game so I made a guide a little bit early before the release of the event and just the best ways to complete those challenges just so I don't have to worry about it after streaming the event today I figured today we just go ahead and stream the event do it on stream and talk to chat just relax a little bit so I made the guide ahead of schedule and what do you know that's not even the event that ended up releasing, but that event May still release at some point before the end of season 1 and we'll Circle back to that later on here in this article but today we ended up getting an event that wasn't called soup Siege like the one that got confirmed in the blog post we got one called soup takedown.

How the supe'd up ltm works

How the supe'd up ltm works

Now you do have to play the new souped up LTM inside of multiplayer to actually progress through some of these challenges, so let's first talk about how the souped up event does work it's a bit of a spin or a reskin on kill confirmed and it's a bit different from the temp V LTM that we had over in war zone last year so here's how the souped up event does work every time you kill an operator they'll drop a vial of temp V if you grab one you get extra durability, if you grab two you get super speed which has you moving pretty damn fast I think even faster than if you were cranked if you guys are familiar with that mode if you grab three vials you'll have super strength which is essentially just armor meaning that you can go ahead and do more damage against players and take more damage without getting killed like you normally would with the base games ttk.

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And then for four vials, you get an electric shock ability similar to the one we had in War Zone last year, and for getting five vials of temperature V, you will get the laser, vision, and ability. Now these abilities are pretty fun; I would say they make your matches of MP go pretty quick, but the score limit of this mode is 75, which is a typical score limit for a lot of modes here in multiplayer, but that's how souped up does work; it's only going to be available.

Get 3 kills without reloading 7 times

Get 3 kills without reloading 7 times

I think for the remainder of season 1 but the soup takedown event that is currently live in the game is only live for the next six days so you have a limited amount of time to go ahead and get everything done so the first challenge is to get three operator kills without reloading, seven different times that's not that bad if you guys run a big drum mag on an lmg or something or you just play tactically a bit slower than usual don't rush get those three kills then reload and worry about the next three kills you have to get so you have to do that a total of seven different times in any match of multiplayer this does not have to be done in the souped up LTM, but the next challenge does have to be done in the new mode get five operator kills affected by your electric discharge.

Get 5 kills using electric shock


While playing this mode, if you guys out there just collect four temp V vials, go ahead and pop out the electric discharge when you're nearby some enemies, and you'll probably get those kills on them every single time. They have very little control over what they're doing, so it should be an easy opportunity to go ahead and take those enemies down.

Get 10 tac stance kills w kvd enforcer

The next challenge is to get 10 operator Tech Dan kills while using the KV inhibitor. This can be done in any mode of your choice this weapon isn't that good especially if you haven't leveled it up but if you get lucky and have a blueprint for it that you might have bought recently or whatnot, then you can take advantage of this and tax stand skills aren't that bad especially on some of your smaller maps that are in the game I mean Rio 247 this is the brand new 6v6 map isn't a bad choice to go ahead and get all these challenges done I mean the map isn't that large I'd say it's roughly mediumsized, but most of the action takes place in the center of the mall and you're going to be getting a lot of action as often as possible so I think this challenge is no problem when playing on the brand new map next challenge is to collect 25, temp V syringes.

Collect 25 temp v syringes in supe'd up

Collect 25 temp v syringes in supe'd up

In the new boys mode called souped up, this could probably be done in a single match. If you guys are just playing OBJ as if you were playing Kill Confirmed, just go ahead and make sure you pick up all the syringes.

25 melee kills with the blacklight flashlight

breaking news

Upon killing enemies or hey even picking up some of your teammate syringes, when they go down I believe all syringes do count regardless if they're friendly or enemy ones so just pick up as many as you can just consider it like kill confirmed, and play obj the best that you can in a match of souped up coming towards the end get 25, operator melee kills with the blacklight flashlight equipped, this is something a lot of people out there have been asking me about and I know I was even confused about this cuz we thought it was a perk we thought it was an attachment, we weren't sure what exactly this was I guess a lot of folks out there in the community also weren't really aware of what this means and probably haven't used it the blacklight, flashlight.

It's actually a gear perk, so if you guys go over to gear, you can scroll over to the right there and you'll see the blacklight flashlight. I've actually never heard of this; I've never run it before, but it does obviously come in clutch when it comes to getting 25 operator melee kills, so you don't have to do this in the boys LTM souped up, but I would really recommend doing so once you get that super speed from picking up a couple of syringes.

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