News - Unlock Animated. Wriggler. Camo Fast/easy. Vortex: Decay's Realm Event - Warzone 2

Get kills with the mosquito drone or turret

Get kills with the mosquito drone or turret


Vest perk luckily a demolition vest does give you two lethal slots so it'll be pretty easy to just keep running and throwing knives picking them up off that dead enemy and rinsing and repeating, again if you're in a smaller map or maybe even in objective based mode you're going to run into people a lot more frequently so throwing knives are pretty fun to use here inside of Modern Warfare 3 very self-explanatory, challenge not much has to be said with this one but while you're going for progress with the throwing knives here you're probably building up some kill streak progress or score streak progress I should say in which we got the next challenge here get X operator kills with the mosquito drone or the remote turret kill streaks, you don't need that much score or that many kills to get either of these streaks so while you're using the throwing knife you'll probably be going through tons of enemies and just knocking them out pretty quickly in which case you'll probably get access to either of these traks I just mentioned, and obviously if you're on a objective based mode where enemies are kind of huddled up near a domination flag or a hardpoint.

Then calling a mosquito drone right near them will probably ensure you get as many kills as I likely did here inside of this game play. You can get some pretty easy double triples and multi-kills. With the mosquito drone, with the mosquito drone if you throw it near a big group of enemies, it doesn't really go that far across the map; it kind of just hovers around where you threw it, but next get X hipfire operator kills with the Jack backsaw kit after the market part.

Get hipfire kills with jak backsaw kit

horsemen decay ultra skin

This is for the Hoger 5.56 assault rifle. This is probably one of the more tedious or annoying challenges here for multiplayer. Out of all the challenges we have for this event this one may take the longest to do because at least what you saw with my luck you're going to end up running across people that are camping, in big groups they're going to be sitting on head glitches and not really in accessible areas where you can get to them while trying to HP fire this is where small maps come into play but honestly the map doesn't matter as long as you're in a decent enough lobby but this is a pretty good aftermarket part which just came out as of a couple of weeks ago shouldn't be hard if you guys have easier lobbies but for some of the tougher ones you got to just be patient wait for enemies to kind of come across a corner, and you can go ahead and take them out pretty damn quick with this amp here but lastly for multiplayer, get X operator kills with the Haymaker weapon while using the Gunner vest perk but the Haymakers are pretty viable shotgun here in the game I would say run the Jack magift kit it's the aftermarket part that gives you I think over a 100 rounds with this shotgun.

Get kills with the haymaker & gunner vest

Get kills with the haymaker & gunner vest

But with our luck, it's probably going to bug the challenge out, so just run the shotgun by itself. The maker is pretty damn powerful, especially if you go on to hardcore, and has some decent range, as you guys will see, but even on core, this thing will definitely do some damage, making it one of the better shotguns available here inside of Modern Warfare 3's ecosystem.

All warzone challenges

But jumping into war zone. I'll include all this into one time stamp since these are some pretty straightforward challenges, and if you guys just don't own Modern Warfare 3, don't worry because the challenges in war zone aren't that hard to do, so you want to go over to the research vessel. This is a brand new point of interest.

modern warfare 3

It's a mobile area of the map that moves around the entire island, so you want to go over to the research vessel, and in a single match, you want to activate the UAV tower for decontamination, the station, and even the horn. Now you guys are probably aware of where these things are on the boat, but in case you aren't decontaminated, the station is located.

mw3 airbourne

Right downstairs in the middle area of the boat so you'll come across this specific terminal in which you can activate the Decon station I believe it only has about three activations, per match and there's a bit of a cool down on it so wouldn't recommend using that unless the boat is kind of going into the storm, that's when it's most useful but then when it comes to the horn this is probably what most people are going to search this article for because I actually wasn't even aware myself where the horn was located it's actually outside here just on this railing towards the back of the boat now I've never interacted with it before this is my first time doing it here it kind of reminds me of the fog horns we used to see over in Call of the Dead Black Ops 1's zombies if you guys are OG fans, but it's just a random horde sitting on the boat there's no real use for it but for the sake of doing this challenge, this is where it is located as you guys will see but while on the research vessel there's also a challenge requiring you to open X loot caches.

mw3 decays realm challenges

Pretty straightforward: just open a bunch of chests as you see them here around the map, even open the secret room, and you can get three different chests in there on top of that, but there's also a challenge: deploy X portable decontamination. Stations, this one's a bit frustrating because you can't actually buy these from a buy station I went around to a ton of stations and didn't see the option to buy it it's a brand new little quality of life update that got added I think last season, and these are in war zone 1 and they're pretty damn cool I mean if you're in the storm towards the end of the game you just got to throw these down to protect yourself in case you don't have a gas mask these are fun but to my understanding you can only find them in random loot cashes around the map so this might be one of those challenges you just skip because you might not be able to find one in your match of Fortune keep it's totally up to RNG, but then it wants you to go ahead and hit X enemy operators with a bunker Buster kill streak, these you can buy from bu stations and they're pretty inexpensive.

They only crossed around 2 to 3 grand; it's not bad at all, and this is a brand new streak that allows you to call it on any building that you want; it'll send an explosion nearly into that building with gas, which will usually have enemies, kind of running out like cockroaches, and that gas could really impact the players health rather quickly.

Also read:

They don't have a gas mask, so you don't have to even kill an enemy operator with it; you just have to hit them with it. It's pretty easy to do, especially because you can buy them as often as you want, but lastly, finish the Rogue Signal public event ranked in the top three. This is a public event that you probably end up doing by mistake most of the time.

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It'll be a public event that pops up midway through your game. You'll usually get x amount of kills as a squad, spend the most items from your buy station, or spend the most cash in the lobby, so they'll be pretty team-based challenges. But most of the time, a lot of enemy teams don't end up completing the Rogue Signal challenges, so you'll end up getting the top three almost by accident, and then once you finish that public event, it'll end up marking a special loot cast around the environment. You don't even have to loot that, but by placing the top three, you end up completing the challenge.

All zombies challenges

All zombies challenges

Last but not least, we have zombies. These are really easy challenges that you guys could definitely do if you're big zombie fans. I'm going to go with the crossbow on this one, unless you guys prefer a flamethrower.

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