News - Unlimited Essence Glitch. Unlimited Money. Items - Tombstone Glitch - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

dark aether

So what I'm going to do is just wait for this to run out, but what you want to do is fully die here, and then I'll show you what to do next. Once you've gone completely down make sure that you plead for help and then what you're going to want to do is get your teammate to revive you now at this point you don't actually have to leave the squad in a minute you will need to leave the squad but I've seen mention on some other articles, that you need to leave your squad at this point you do not need to you can plead for help while in a team just make sure that you communicate it because what I've noticed is that there is no indicator, if the person is on your team whenever you plead for help now once you've downed yourself and plead for help and gotten picked up you want to go ahead and drop all the essence and items that you want to share with your teammate at this point that Tombstone is set right there you should have those items in essence when you come back but there's still multiple steps to this glitch left so go ahead and drop whatever you need to your teammate.

duplication glitch

I went ahead and drank a tombstone on my secondary account, and then I dropped him a secondary can, and I dropped him a couple more items as well as 20, 000. Essence now for demonstration purposes. I went ahead and had my second account jump off this crane here, way across the map from where I dropped myself now.

This is just to demonstrate that you can put your tombstone in any location. This is also a major part of this glitch. What you're going to do is have the other account that has taken all the money off of you after you downed yourself, bled out, and pleaded for help. You're going to give them everything, and then they're going to do the same exact thing.


Now this is the portion of the glitch where things actually get duplicated. What's going to happen is that they have now set a tombstone. With their own stuff, right, but their stuff is your stuff, so you've literally doubled it; they have 20, 000 Essence on them; they've downed themselves; there's 20, 000 Essence in their Tombstone; and vice versa for you, which I just showed you a minute ago, but there's another step to this glitch, and you need to do this very carefully.

What this will allow you to do is keep both your insured weapon and all of your items, as well as your essence, so let's get right into that. So we're both going to hop back on the Blood Hunter, and what we're going to finally do is run over to the bad signal. Now you need a bad signal, obviously, as you attached.

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Mission: You should already have this attached for the regular Tombstone glitch, but go ahead and just get over there and make sure that you have that assigned. If you don't already, you can see that my secondary player is up there, and you're going to go ahead and follow the path that I do. Now as I run through the courtyard, my favorite spot to take right here is to take the couch and climb over till it's slightly bit fast and then run around, and what we're going to do is we're going to walk up to this portal just like the tombstone solo duplication glitch, and we're going to take portal number 19.


Now this code is for the one by the water; if you have issues with timing, I suggest that you work on it. It was a little bit harder for me to do this on the console, but I did it on the second try on my Xbox all right, so if you have trouble with timing, try to just, you know, gain a bunch of essence and just practice the timing.

Use a stopwatch. I don't know what to tell you; you just need to follow exactly what I do, because the path that I take is definitely the most efficient I've seen mentioned in a couple other articles that you can use a scorcher. You can use that if you want, but I don't want to waste a scorcher on this glitch because you don't have to again.

glitching queen

I've done this on Xbox, so let's go ahead and enter the code now. So what we're going to do is we're going to enter number 19, so what that is it's going to be this U shape right here; it's going to be the up Arrow, which is ironically, up top, and then what else? It's going to be D. Yep, so for all three of those, what I want you to do is then turn your back and activate it, and then jump over the railing immediately.

As soon as you start to hear something, jump over the rail, cut through the middle right here, and you're going to hit both doors, and then you're going to just take the angles, just like you were a race car driver or something. Just take it very, very sharply. You're going to run all the way out here.

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I would jump right here, activate, and turn around. And it's very easy again, guys. Let me just say that this portion is not what you have to worry about right here. I always make the portal. If you're not making the portal, then you need to just follow the path that I did because I have never seen the portal.


The portal's never disappeared on me, so go ahead and take the couch. Like I said, this is the portion where you need to be faster. So I have about 7 seconds right now, and I'm running forward. What you want to do is activate, or rather accept, on two or one, so I accept on one on PC, but just know that on Xbox or PS5, you actually need to hold the button to accept, so I would suggest accepting on two.

Now I'm going to replay this portion for you guys, just so that we are absolutely clear here. Watch the time on the left, as well as what time I accept. I'm going to go ahead and slow it down here so you can see two seconds. 1 second, and I'm going to immediately accept. And what you want to do is aim for 6 seconds.

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Now, really, seven is fine, but we're going to go ahead and go with six. If you can make it in time, you can also get here, probably at the 5-second mark, and it'll be fine. What's important comes in a second, so go ahead and let the timer run out. You should see the eliminated, but if you don't listen for the eliminated, that sounds right there, and what's going to happen is that you want to wait for it to say searching for matches at the top right, or at least say dark ether zombies at the top left.


In my experience, it works 100% of the time if you simply wait for it to start searching. All right, so as soon as it comes up with dark ether zombies, wait for anything to pop up at the top right, and that's good. You can go ahead and close your game. Now I'm going to show it to you on Xbox just as an example, but on PC.

You want to just alt-f4, obviously. So timing-wise, as far as closing the game, it is going to be the same at this point. I will put out a new Tombstone duplication glitch article next week, as well as some more information on what you can do to better improve this, because a lot of people have issues with timing, which is a little bit worse.

You can see I take the same path on my Xbox. You can tell that I'm on Xbox because of how I'm looking around, and what you want to do is obviously turn right here and immediately run forward. Now that the timing is a little bit worse, you can see that I'm going to accept votes. 98.7, 6 I'm going to run in, and there you go, and so at this point, what you want to do is hover over the game and hover over Quit.

modern warfare

You can use audio on PS5 or Xbox if you have trouble actually visually seeing it, and as soon as you see Squad Eliminated, you're going to see the dark ether come up, and you can kind of see it in the background there. You can go back if you want to check it out again, but again, the timing is the same.

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